The National Center for Educational Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics recently released the report, Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011. Clearly, schools where students feel safe, are not bullied, and are not subjected daily to intimidation, violence, and drugs are schools that will be more conducive to learning and preparing students for college.
Here is some of the race-specific data from the report that may be of interest:
• Number of White students ages 12 to 18 per 1,000 White students who were victims of violent crime at school in 2010: 12
• Number of Black students ages 12 to 18 per 1,000 Black students who were victims of violent crime at school in 2010: 21
• Percentage of White students ages 12 to 18 who reported there were gangs in their school in 2009: 14.1%
• Percentage of Black students ages 12 to 18 who reported there were gangs in their school in 2009: 31.4%
• Percentage of White high school students who reported that drugs were available at their school in 2009: 19.8%
• Percentage of Black high school students who reported that drugs were available at their school in 2009: 22.2%
• Percentage of White students ages 12 to 18 who reported they were subjected to race-related hate speech at school in 2009: 2.2%
• Percentage of Black students ages 12 to 18 who reported they were subjected to race-related hate speech at school in 2009: 8.0%
• Percentage of White high school students who said they had been involved in a physical fight at school in 2009: 8.6%
• Percentage of Black high school students who said they had been involved in a physical fight at school in 2009: 17.4%
• Percentage of White high school students who said they had consumed alcohol on school property in 2009: 3.3%
• Percentage of Black high school students who said they had consumed alcohol on school property in 2009: 5.4%
• Percentage of White high school students who said they had used marijuana on school property in 2009: 3.8%
• Percentage of Black high school students who said they had used marijuana on school property in 2009: 5.6%
The full report can be downloaded here.