Black students at the University of Southern California claim that the Los Angeles Police Department exhibited racial bias when responding to noise complaints about end-of-the-semester parties held just off campus. There were two parties on the same block with mostly racially segregated party goers. Black students believed that they were treated differently than students at the predominantly White party.
Six students were arrested in the incident. One senior told the Los Angeles Times, “They were acting like they were going to war with us.”
A protest was held on the USC campus on the Monday morning following the clash with police. Most of the protesting students were African Americans. One told the Times, “They definitely harassed the wrong students. We are scholars and high-achieving students. We didn’t do anything wrong.”
With regrets, Black College students can not enjoy campus life as White students on a college campus. For them it is considered part of the campus experience and something they will be able to share with family and later in life with colleagues while setting in a big corporate position. Whereas, African American college students’college experience is held strictly to their policies. You should not be there, so why should you be allowed some partying enjoyment. Be careful! Racism is still alive and ever present. White America just doesn’t like Blacks.