University of Phoenix Signs Agreement to Offer Online Courses to HBCU Students

TMCF_logoThe Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), an organization representing 47 publicly supported historically Black colleges and universities, has announced that it has entered into an agreement with the University of Phoenix, a leading online education provider.

Under the agreement, students at TCMF members institutions will be able to supplement their on-campus course loads with course programs using the University of Phoenix online platform. HBCU institutions that participate in the new alliance will be able to help students satisfy course requirements by completing online offerings at the University of Phoenix as part of their semester-based tuition and fees. Students will incur no additional costs. All HBCU students enrolled in the online courses offered under this new framework will also have access to the educational tools and resources provided to every current University of Phoenix student, including its online library, academic labs and workshops, 24/7 live math tutoring and other services.

Also, as part of the new agreement, the University of Phoenix has agreed to offer scholarships for students attending TMCF institutions. “We’re proud to offer more scholarships and grants for nontraditional students as part of this new alliance, and we are thrilled to join the Thurgood Marshall College Fund in helping more HBCU students reach graduation,” said Timothy P. Slottow, president of University of Phoenix.

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  1. This so-called partnership is akin to literally paying someone to rob you in broad daylight. The Black misleadership class at the TMCF should submit their resignation for educational malfeasance. In fact, this higher education chicanery is akin to the pathetic partnership between the Koch brother’s and the UNCF. In the final analysis, so-called Black higher administrators’ and organizational leaders still conduct themselves as if they’re an subservient class.

    Keep in mind; the majority of these buffoons hold memberships to groups that work against the best interest of the Black community. Thereby, I’m not surprised by any measure with this educational asymmetric warfare tactics by the University of Phoenix(UP). The UP is solely in business to make exorbitant profits at the expense of using HBCUs as a conduit to capture more federal dollars and credibility. Along with more faculty hiring’s of those who do not hail from the native born Black community. TMCF, shame on you for your duplicitous behavior.

  2. Michael, thank you for your excellent analysis. I could not have said it better…
    I’ll add

    Today, on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observance it’s truly sad to learn that the Dream speech, with its over-simplification/amplification still speaks to the same shameful conditions of “poverty in a vast ocean of material prosperity”.

    And after all the work to expand the democratic space – bending “the arc” (toward justice) the recipients of that bad check are now getting another one. In an increasingly unequal world, what a low blow… they get an inferior, low quality, and second class education — recreating the conditions.

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