Blacks Are Twice as Likely as Whites to Be Early High School Dropouts

department-of-educationA new report from the U.S. Department of Education reports on the number of students who were in ninth grade in 2009 but dropped out of high school by the end of their junior year.

The study found that nationwide 2.7 percent of all ninth graders in 2009 dropped out of high school by the end of their junior year. But the dropout rate for Blacks was more than double the rate for Whites. Some 4.3 percent of all Black ninth graders dropped out of high school compared to 2.1 percent of Whites. High dropout rates had a significant correlation with family income levels. Students from families with the lowest incomes were far more likely to leave school.

The report, Early High School Dropouts: What Are the Characteristics?, may be downloaded by clicking here.

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  1. The U.S. Department of Education has the Chutzpah to produce a flawed report concerning Black high school students dropout rate compared to White high school students. What about emphasizing the dropout rates of Asian high school students to White high school students? The fact remains, Black high school students are being “pushed out” via culturally incompetent school administrators, teachers, and staff who in many cases have low expectations for Black students. In my view, one of the main factors why many Black high students become disinterested in academics at the high school level is that the majority of the curriculums are based upon a Eurocentric model which is the antithesis of their lived experiences. As a result, the disconnect become heightened during the high school years.

    One another note, when you have a Secretary of Education(Arne Duncan) whose not even qualified to hold this position on numerous levels(i.e., academic credentials, actual public school experience). Just pause for a moment, the Secretary of Education only has a measly bachelor’s degree in sociology and hails from corporate America. As a result, one he’s managed to push the “privatization of public education” via charter schools along with “for profit schools” and the inherently flawed “Common Core Standards”.

    In close, until the larger society change the manner in which it views and portray Black students in general, the unfortunate “push out” rate will continue to increase.

  2. Blacks are twice as likely to drop out because of numerous reasons. Sometimes students have to figure out what’s more important a education or a job? Sure education is said to be a nice benefit in the long run far as income but some families are struggling and need their children working right now not later. On top of that minorities get low ranking hand me down teachers that really don’t care whether or not you graduate. Then there’s the bad neighborhood issue, the cops, the rent the list goes on and on. White students don’t have these problems. Their problems usually consist of their parents getting a divorce.

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