Johnson C. Smith University Opens a Food Pantry on Campus

JcsubluesealA recent study found that 10 percent of all people who take advantage of food pantries are college students. Food pantries have been set up on more than 100 college campuses nationwide.

Johnson C. Smith University, the historically Black educational institution in Charlotte, North Carolina, has set up the Golden Bulls Stock Market in conjunction with Food Lion, a lead grocery store chain. Food Lion donated food to stock the pantry and its associates volunteered their time to set up the operation. Students in the department of social work at Johnson C. Smith University will administer the operation of the food pantry.

The food pantry is located in the headquarters of the Foster Village Network Center, a university program that supports students who have transitioned out of the foster care system. “It is widely known these students have little to no significant adult support,” says program director Pat Newell.

Nontraditional students in adult education programs are also encouraged to use the food pantry. “The pantry will alleviate some of the stress on those students who are in need of a helping hand,” explains Laura McLean, dean of Metropolitan College at the university.

Below is a video discussing the opening of the food pantry at Johnson C. Smith University.

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  1. I am the counselor at University Park Creative Arts Elementary School. We would like to conduct a food drive sponsored by our 3rd grade students to help stock your food pantry. This will be a service project for our students. Who would I contact at JCSU?

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