Online Articles That May Be of Interest to JBHE Readers

magazineFrom time to time, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. The links presented direct the reader to articles from many different points of view that deal with issues of African Americans in higher education. The articles selected do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of JBHE.

We invite subscribers to e-mail us or tweet @jbhedotcom with suggestions of articles for inclusion in this feature.

Historically Black Schools Say Obama’s Policies Have Fallen Short
The Washington Post

University of Oklahoma Minorities Say “Casual Racism” Permeates Their Lives
Los Angeles Times

Clemson Not Alone in Debate Over Renaming of Tillman Hall
The Greenville News

Standing Out: Being an African American Athlete at the University of Colorado
CU Independent

Identifying the Five Markers of Genius in Black Men
Texas A&M Today

The Dean Reinventing the MBA Program and Challenging Diversity Assumptions

White High School Graduates Are Wealthier Than Black and Hispanic College Graduates: Can a New Policy Tool Fix That?
The Washington Post

University of Oklahoma SAE Racism: Black Students, Greeks Say Cultural Insensitivities Have Root in Lack of Diversity
International Business Times

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  1. I am not surprised by the actions of the OU fraternity. At my previous institution (located in Oklahoma) I was two seconds away from killing another faculty member who had the audacity to come into my face telling me to ASSIMILATE into the all White community where the institution is located. The man is an OU graduate and there has been a successful Civil Rights Movement however Oklahoma has not gotten the memo. A civil rights attorney could get rich here.

  2. Re: Dr. Minor;

    I appreciate your intellectual honesty regarding the racist treatment you received at an HWCU in Oklahoma. I am curious in knowing what type of support did you receive from other Black professors or Black administrators’ when this was occurring? Regarding the ongoing racist behavior at HWCUs by White faculty, White administrators’, and White students(some and not all of course), it’s merely indicative of the larger society (e.g., 77.7 % White). In lieu of this, until the larger Black community to began to act as “group” instead of an “individual”, we will continue to be on the receiving end of disparate treatment.

    Unfortunately our Black consciousness has been coopted, “over-assimilated”, mentally neutered because we have someone situated in the White House whose phenotype is identified as “Black”. As a result, the Black community has literally retrograded in every SES category without making any demands on POTUS.

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