Graduates of Shaw University Divinity School Will Be Trained in Financial Matters

ShawBlock_SealandlogoThe Shaw University Divinity School in Raleigh, North Carolina, has teamed up with AARP to establish a pilot program on financial literacy. Under the program, all divinity students at Shaw University will be required to take a course entitled “Church Administration and AARP Principles of Financial Stewardship.”

The course will equip future leaders of churches with the skills necessary to make intelligent financial decisions and develop strategies for managing the financial affairs of their organizations. The divinity school course will also train future church leaders to educate the members of their congregations on financial matters.

Edna Kane-Williams, director of multicultural markets at AARP notes that “the clergy play an important role influencing decisions people make every day.”

“I’m confident that our partnership with AARP will set the standard for how universities can work with organizations to better their communities,” said Shaw interim President Dr. Gaddis Faulcon. “Our Divinity School is not only preparing students for the spiritual ministry but now, with the help of AARP, we are also preparing our students for the financial ministry which is crucial to our community’s sustainability and longevity for the future.”

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