Oral History Interviews of 1960s Graduates of Alcorn State University Are Now Available

alcornseal1The J.D. Boyd Library at Alcorn State University in Mississippi has announced that a new oral history project, entitled “Alcorn in the 1960s,” is now available for researchers and other interested parties. The oral history interviews were conducted in 2015 with 13 individuals who graduated from the university between 1960 and 1969. The topics discussed are academic and residence life, athletics, and the students’ participation in the civil rights movement.

Peter Malik, a professor of English at Alcorn State University and the director of the oral history project, said that the “interviewees told fascinating stories about their lives as undergraduates at Alcorn during a very important time in the university’s history. The committee members were honored to speak with these graduates, one of who worked directly with Martin Luther King Jr.”

The oral history project was funded by a grant from the Mississippi Humanities Council with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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