Claflin University to Debut a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nursing

Claflin_LogoClaflin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, has announced that is will begin to offer a bachelor of science degree program in nursing beginning this fall. d

The new program will be offered only to registered nurses who have obtaind an associate’s degree in nursing. Nearby Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College offers such an associate degree program in nursing that will provide a pipeline for students to complete their bachelor’s degree in nursing at Claflin University.

HnryTisdaleHenry N. Tisdale, president of Claflin University, stated that “we see this as a tremendous opportunity for Claflin to contribute to the workforce by producing visionary leaders in nursing and other professions within the healthcare industry.”

TisdaleVerlie Tisdale, dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Claflin, added that “this program is vital to the community because it will improve and enhance the skills and academic preparation of nurses in this area. Orangeburg and some of the surrounding counties have been identified as being medically underserved areas. Experts are predicting a shortage of quality nurses in this area in the future due to retirement and career opportunities outside the state of South Carolina. The demand will be great and new job qualifications will require nurses to earn a bachelor’s degree.”

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