The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view. The opinions expressed in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of JBHE. Here are the latest selections.
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Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity, Psychopathology, and Treatment by Stephen Kniffley Jr. et al. (Peter Lang International Publishers) |
Remaking Black Power: How Black Women Transformed an Era by Ashley D. Farmer (University of North Carolina Press) |
Selling Transracial Adoption: Families, Markets, and the Color Line by Elizabeth Raleigh (Temple University Press) |
Strategies for Success Among African-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans: Overachieve, Be Cheerful, or Confront by Chrystal Y. Grey and Thomas Janoski (Lexington Books) |
Understanding West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic: Towards a Political Economy edited by Ibrahim Abdullah and Ismail Rashid (Zed Books) |