Morgan State University Extends President’s Contract for Five Years

The board of regents of Morgan State University in Baltimore has given a five-year extension contract to David Wilson, president of the university. As a result, President Wilson will serve at least until 2023.

Dr. Wilson became president of Morgan State in July 2010. In December 2012, the board of regents of Morgan State University voted not to renew Dr. Wilson’s contract. Students, faculty, and alumni protested the decision. The board of regents then reconsidered their decision. They “sustained” their decision not to renew Dr. Wilson’s existing three-year contract, but they did agree to a one-year deal. Until now, his contract had been renewed annually but only for a year at a time.

“The Board of Regents of Morgan State University has been generally very pleased with the performance, administration and leadership of Dr. David Wilson during his tenure as University President and the Board wishes to underscore that satisfaction in good faith with a five-year employment contract,” said Board Chair Kweisi Mfume.“We hope that this demonstrated commitment signals to donors, potential donors, our Governor, the State Legislature, the larger world of academia, alumni, supporters and most of all our students, that we support the leadership of President Wilson.”

Prior to becoming the 12th president of Morgan State University, Dr. Wilson was chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Colleges and the University of Wisconsin-Extension. During a more than 30-year career in higher education, he has held administrative positions at Rutgers University, Kentucky State University, Radcliffe College, Auburn University, and Tuskegee University.

Dr. Wilson holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tuskegee University. He earned a second master’s degree and an educational doctorate from Harvard University.

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  1. This is a glaring example of rewarding sub-par performance at another HBCU. The Board of Regents should be submitting their letter of resignation for this contract to Dr. Wilson. The dismissive, aloof, lack of transparency and accountability Dr. Wilson conducts himself in a manner he would never do at any HWCU. For those who disagree, can you explain the following under Dr. Wilson failed leadership: 1) the crime rate on/or near campus is unacceptable, 2) the campus overall security posture is deficient in all areas, 3) the quality of the food for students is not even fit for prisoners to consume, 4) draconian leadership, 5) non-response to e-mail correspondence, 6) mired in nepotism, sexism, and 7) School of Graduate studies operates from a state of administrative dysfunction. In close, Dr. Wilson is more concerned about “his brand” as compared to actually conducting himself in an executive manner. Too bad Dr. Wilson doesn’t conducts himself in the same way he does while in the presence of non-Black audiences.

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