Rolanda Horn Named Chair-Elect of NASPA’s Center for Women

Rolanda Horn has been named chair-elect for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ Center for Women.

Established in 2001, the center brings attention to issues concerning women in higher education. The organization designs and implements mentorship programs for women professionals and students, as well as facilitates research by women, for women, and about women in student affairs.

For the past year, Dr. Horn has served as director of assessment at Wallace Community College in Alabama. In this role, she oversees the college’s assessment, evaluation and strategic planning processes. She has been a board member of the NASPA’s Center for Women for the past two years.

Dr. Horn is a graduate of Alabama State University, where she received her bachelor’s degree in therapeutic recreation and recreational therapy and Ph.D. in educational leadership, policy, and law. She also holds a master’s degree in public administration from the Montgomery campus of Auburn University in Alabama and a master’s degree in adult education from Troy University in Alabama.

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