Xavier University Announces the Creation of the Center for Equity, Justice, and the Human...
The new center will be an intellectual and physical convening place for research, teaching, community engagement, and debate on issues related to race-based inequities, social identity production, and power relations.
George Washington University’s Efforts to Boost Diversity and a Sense of Inclusion
George Washington University in Washington, D.C., has recently launched efforts aimed at increasing diversity and to create a welcoming environment on campus for all students, faculty, and staff. In a city that is 49 percent Black, the undergraduate student body at George Washington University is only 7 percent Black.
New Bridge Program at Bowdoin College Honors Alumnus Geoffrey Canada
The Geoffrey Canada Scholars program at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, was designed to transform the Bowdoin experience for students who are the first in their families to go to college, who come from low-income backgrounds, or who are from groups traditionally underrepresented at the college.
Universities Seeking to Increase Diversity Among Research Librarians
Only about 4 percent of research librarians are members of ethnic and racial minorities. A group of 36 university libraries are participating in an effort to raise that figure.
How Greater Diversity in the Physician Workforce Would Reduce Racial Health Disparities
After conducting a randomized clinical trial among 1,300 Black men in Oakland, the researchers found that the men sought more preventive services after they were randomly seen by Black doctors for a free health-care screening compared to non-Black doctors.
University of Kansas Aims to Increase Diversity in Its Engineering Programs
The KUEST (KU Engineering, Science and Technology) program aims to expand and fill the pipeline of underrepresented engineers, including women and minorities, with an array of programs aimed at students as young as middle school.
Cornell University Task Force Makes Recommendations to Improve Campus Climate
After a series of race-related incidents on campus last fall, Cornell University President Martha E. Pollack formed the President's Task Force on Campus Climate. The task force has issued three reports on campus experience, regulation of speech and harassment, and campus response.
Carnegie Mellon University Program Aims to Increase Diversity in Pittsburgh’s Corporate Suite
African-Americans represent 24 percent of the population of Pittsburgh and 13 percent in Allegheny County, yet African-Americans represent less than 0.1 percent of executive leadership positions.
Black Students Turning Away From CalPoly San Luis Obispo
University officials now say that the publicity surrounding racist incidents this past spring has had a chilling effect on the number of Black students who want to attend the university. Only 0.4 percent of the nearly 55,000 applicants this year were African Americans.
University of Maryland Takes Steps to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
In March the report of the Joint President/Senate Inclusion and Respect Task Force was submitted to the University Senate and Wallace C. Loh, president of the university. Now, President Loh has called on the university to begin implementing the proposed changes.
Princeton University Looks to Diversify its Collection of Portraits
Portraits of Nobel prize winner Toni Morrison and Sir Arthur Lewis have been added to the university's collection. Eight other portraits have been commissioned. Three of the new portraits will feature African Americans.
African Americans Accepted for Admission at High-Ranking Colleges and Universities
Recently, the nation’s highest-ranked colleges and universities informed applicants if they had been accepted for admission into the Class of 2022. Some of the nation’s most selective institutions provided acceptance data broken down by race and ethnicity.
Washington University Aims to Improve Campus Climate for Faculty and Staff
Washington University in St. Louis is launching the Academy for Diversity and Inclusion. This organization has the mission of improving the campus climate for all faculty and staff members. It will offer networking events, diversity training, and support for existing and new affinity groups.
New Study Aims to Identify Best Practices in Mentoring to Increase Diversity in STEM...
Angela Byars-Winston, professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has been selected to lead a committee of the National Academy of Sciences that will seek to identify the best mentoring techniques to bring more women and members of underrepresented groups into STEM fields.
Syracuse University’s New Grant Program to Enhance Campus Diversity Programs
The new grants will support diversity programs and practices on campus that "deepen understanding and engagement across multiple areas of difference, including racial, ethnic, religious, disability, nationality and veteran status, among others."
Blacks Are Making Progress in Biomedical Research, But Not in Faculty Posts
The results showed that the diversions from developing a faculty career are found primarily at two clearly identifiable places, specifically during undergraduate education and in transition from postdoctoral fellowship to tenure-track faculty in the basic sciences at medical schools.
Washington University in St. Louis Is a New Partner of QuestBridge
QuestBridge, based in Palo Alto, California, connects high-achieving students from low-income families to 40 of the nation’s most selective colleges and universities.
University of Minnesota Aims to Boost Retention and Graduation Rate of Black Students
For students who enrolled at the flagship Twin Cities campus of the University of Minnesota in the fall of 2010, 80 percent of Whites earned their degrees within six years. For African Americans the figures was 63 percent. The university hopes to narrow the gap.
University of Massachusetts Graduate School Launches Office of Inclusion and Engagement
The new office will develop initiatives designed to help students amplify the impact of their research, prepare for leadership positions, and broaden their career options. It will focus on recruitment, retention and success of graduate students from historically underrepresented populations.
An Increase in Black Transfer Applicants to the University of California System
Each year, there is a large group of students who earned associate's degree's at California community colleges who seek to transfer to four-year bachelor's degree programs at one of the University of California campuses. This year, Black transfer applicants are up by more than 9 percent.
New Diversity Center to Open on the Campus of Cedar Crest College
Cedar Crest college, a liberal arts educational for women in Allentown, Pennsylvania, has announced the establishment of the Center for Diversity and Global Engagement on campus. African Americans make up 9 percent of the undergraduate students at the college.
Harvard Accepts a Large Group of Black Students in Its Early Action Process
African Americans make up 13.9 percent of all students admitted in its nonbinding early action process. This is up from 12.6 percent a year ago.
University of Louisville Publishes a Diversity Report
The report outlines progress that has been made in enrolling African Americans and students from other underrepresented groups and sets goals for increasing diversity in the future. Data is also provided on faculty and staff diversity.
An Increase in the Number of Black Applicants to the University of California
The number of African Americans from California applying to the nine undergraduate campuses is up 6.2 percent from a year ago. The number of Black applicants from California is up at all nine undergraduate campuses this year.
The Drake University Law School Partners With 100 Black Men of America
Under the new agreement, Drake students who are part of the nonprofit organization's Collegiate 100 program and who meet established criteria will be automatically be admitted to the law school's juris doctorate program.
Intervention Succeeds in Boosting Retention of Students From Underrepresented Groups
A new intervention program developed at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis has been proven successful in boosting the retention rate and grade point averages of students from underrepresented groups.
Two HBCUs Will Participate in the Diversifying Art Museum Leadership Initiative
The art museums at Clark Atlanta University and Fisk University in Nashville, will receive grants from the Ford Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation for programs to foster greater diversify in museum leadership positions.
Vanderbilt University’s Second Annual Report on Diversity Measures and Progress
The university made offers for 61 faculty positions. Of these 45 were accepted. A third of these were members of minority groups and 58 percent were women. More than a quarter of all students entering Ph.D. programs in education and graduate programs in the Divinity School are from underrepresented groups.
University of South Florida Looks to Increase Diversity Among Its Contracting Partners
In addition to ongoing efforts aimed at student and faculty diversity, the university has debuted the USF System Supplier Diversity program.
The New Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Opens at Carnegie Mellon University
The offerings of the center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh are resources related to race, ethnicity, first in family, men and masculinity, feminism, women, gender expression and LGBTQ.
The Center for the Study of Diversity and Democracy Launches at Northwestern University
The new center, which will be housed in the department of political science, aims to foster research, dialogue and analysis regarding the ways in which democracy, diversity and politics interact in the United States and in nations around the globe.
Brown University Aims to Double the Number of Graduate Students From Underrepresented Groups
The 2016 Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan at Brown University called on the university to double the number of graduate students from historically underrepresented groups by 2022. It's off to a good start.
University of Maryland Establishes the Center for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
The new center will serve as a national hub for research, policy, professional standards, and consultation for universities on critical issues related to diversity and inclusion in higher education.
Columbia University to Invest $100 Million in Faculty Diversity Programs
Over the next five years, Columbia University will invest $100 million in the effort to support recruitment and career development for professors, doctoral, and postdoctoral students who have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education.
Diversity in Friendships at School Can Lead to Greater Academic Success
A new study by scholars at the University of California, Davis finds that early adolescents’ grades were higher when they socialized with peers from other ethnicities. Researchers examined the lunch companions of 800 sixth grade students in three states and examined differences in their grades.
Oregon State University Aims to Boost Diversity in Veterinary Medical Education
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University is hosting 20 high school students from low-income and underrepresented groups this month for its Summer Veterinary Experience.