Edward Blum Launches Another Assault on Affirmative Action
The Project for Fair Representation has set up three websites seeking individuals who believe they were rejected for admission at three universities due to affirmative action or so-called reverse discrimination.
Administration Addresses Black Student Demands at the University of Michigan
Last fall, the Black Student Union at the University of Michigan began a social media campaign relating to the racial climate on campus and calling for efforts to increase the number of Black students.
Davidson College’s Hiring Process Takes Diversity Experience Into Account
Now, candidates considered for faculty and staff positions are asked about their experience working with underrepresented minority populations.
Ole Miss to Open the Center for Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement
When the Center for Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement opens on campus this fall, it will provide programs and services that encourage cross-cultural interactions while serving as a "safe space" that is welcoming and nurturing to all students.
Indiana University Business School Launches Recruitment Program for Minority Students
The Meet-Educate-Experience-Transition (MEET) Kelley program will bring two groups of rising high school seniors - one male and one female - from across the United States to campus this summer for a week of instruction, campus activities, and a case competition.
Cornell MBA Students Help Local Minority Firms Increase Their Business With the University
The effort is part of the university's Supplier Diversity Initiative aimed at having university departments achieve a greater percentage of their procurements from minority-owned and women-owned firms.
University of Alabama’s New Effort to Boost the Diversity of Its Business Students
The Culverhouse College of Commerce at the University of Alabama has launched a new initiative aimed at increasing the diversity of incoming students.
Louisiana State University Is a Leader in Graduating Black Students With Ph.D.s in Chemistry
From 2005 to 2009, 19 percent of all Ph.D.s awarded in chemistry at LSU were earned by African Americans. Blacks were less than 10 percent of the chemistry Ph.D. recipients at the other 49 leading chemistry departments in the nation.
Virginia Tech Revamps Its Organizational Structure on Campus Diversity
The university, where only 3 percent of the undergraduate student body is Black, has established a new President's Inclusion and Diversity Executive Council that will oversee all of the university's diversity efforts.
Princeton University Aims to Make the Campus More Welcoming to Low-Income Students
A working group on undergraduate socioeconomic diversity has issued a broad set of recommendations designed to improve academic achievement and create a more inclusive and supportive campus climate for the benefit of all undergraduates.
CUNY Initiative Seeks to Increase the Number of Blacks in Journalism
The new initiative will include five, full-tuition scholarships to the Graduate School of Journalism and a summer internship program in New York for 20 undergraduates from minority-serving institutions.
Harper College Program Looks to Increase Faculty Diversity
Harper College, a two-year, public college in Palatine, Illinois, has entered into a partnership agreement with Chicago State University in an effort to increase diversity on the Harper College faculty.
Study Finds Declining Support for Diversity Among Whites Who Are Informed of Demographic Trends
A study by psychologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, finds declining support for multiculturalism and diversity among Whites who were informed that they will no longer be a majority of the population by 2050.
UCLA Faculty to Vote on Instituting a Requirement for Undergraduates to Take a Diversity...
The proposal calls for each undergraduate to complete a course with a grade of C or better that substantially addresses racial, ethnic, gender, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, religious, or other types of diversity.
A New Orientation Program for Black Students at the University of California, San Diego
The Black Resource Center Success Institute is designed to foster a strong sense of community for new Black students, connecting first-year and transfer students with key support services that encourage engagement, retention, and graduation.
National Institutes of Health Funds Major New Diversity Effort in Biomedical Research
The 12 universities awarded grants will develop approaches to training and mentoring to encourage students from underrepresented groups to enter into and stay in research careers.
Dartmouth College Aims to Boost Number of Minority Faculty
Dartmouth College has set a goal that within five years 25 percent of the total faculty would be made up of underrepresented minorities or foreign scholars. Currently, 17.5 percent of the faculty are underrepresented minorities or foreign scholars.
University of Cincinnati Aims to Increase the Diversity of Its Faculty
The provost’s office has allocated $1,170,000 to the faculty diversification effort during the current fiscal year. And the Office of the President has allocated $800,000 over the next three years for the effort.
New Standards of Professional Practice for Chief Diversity Officers in Higher Education
It is hoped that the new standards will advance the professionalization of the chief diversity officer role across institutions of higher education. The standards are meant to clarify and specify the scope, scale, and flexibility of work CDOs perform.
Early Admission of African Americans to Leading Colleges and Universities
Several of the nation’s highest ranked colleges and universities have reported data on students they have accepted under early decision or early action admissions plans. Some have provided data broken down by race.
Diversity Course Requirement at UCLA Faces Another Hurdle
This past October, the members of the faculty of the College and Letters narrowly approved a requirement that all undergraduates take a course on diversity in order to graduate. Opponents have now scheduled a vote among all UCLA faculty, whose support is in doubt.
Study Finds Increased Racial Segregation of Law School Students
The study found that Black students were more likely to enroll in less selective law schools in 2013 than they were in 2010 and were less likely to enroll in highly selective law schools than they were in 2010.
University of Nebraska Establishes the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of People of Color
The commission has been established to advise the chancellor on issues pertaining to the specific concerns of faculty, staff, and students who are members of underrepresented minority groups on campus.
Black Students Admitted to a Select Group of Colleges and Universities
Some of the nation's most selective colleges and universities have released data on the number of Black students accepted for admission into the Class or 2019.
UCLA Faculty Agree to Institute a Required Course on Diversity
Beginning this fall, all incoming first-year students in the College of Letters and Science will be required to pass a diversity-related course with a letter grade of C or better in order to graduate.
University of Washington School of Law Aims to Increase Diversity
Students from underrepresented groups who are selected for the new fellows program will receive paid summer internships at area law firms or in the legal departments of area corporations after completing their first year of law school.
The University of Virginia Black Student Alliance’s Call for Action
The authors of the report state that "the University of Virginia must take a lead on issues of diversity, inclusion, and racial equity in order to position itself as a model institution of higher learning."
Diversity in STEM Fields Is a Social Justice Issue, Study Finds
Amassing critical numbers of underrepresented students is important, but achieving enrollment targets does little to improve the problems in the campus culture that affect students and contribute to their failure to complete degree programs.
The University of Nebraska’s Innovative Plan to Help Retain Minority Faculty
Under the new plan, faculty members who teach in an academic department and also in one of the ethnic studies programs at the university will be required to teach only five courses over a three-semester period instead of six.
Duke University Task Force Publishes Report on Faculty Diversity Efforts
In the past, Duke University has been a leader in efforts to increase the diversity of its faculty. But a new report finds that from 2005 to 2014 the Black percentage of the Duke faculty increased from 3.8 percent to 4.4 percent.
Vanderbilt University Is the Latest Partner of Management Leadership for Tomorrow
Under the partnership, MLT will help recruit minority MBA students to Vanderbilt. Then MLT will provide these students with skills and tools needed to be successful in business school and in the corporate arena.
Princeton University Funds Initiatives Aimed at Increasing Diversity
Princeton University has endorsed the recommendations offered by a 51-member task force and has announced funding for several initiatives to improve the university's diversity efforts.
Major New Survey Effort Will Measure Higher Education’s Effect on Students’ Diversity Views
This fall, 100,000 students at 130 colleges and universities nationwide, will begin to participate in a four-year study that will determine how their views on issues of faith and diversity change during their time at college.
Purdue University Eliminates the Post of Chief Diversity Officer
Many colleges and universities across the world have added an administrative post with the title of chief diversity officer in recent years. Purdue University did so six years ago. But now the university has eliminated the position but says all diversity programs will remain.
Cornell University Mounts an Effort to Increase Diversity Among Op-Ed Writers
Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, has mounted a program where the goal is to increase the number of women and minorities who regularly contribute op-ed pieces to major media outlets.
Vanderbilt University Creates the Office of Inclusion Initiatives and Cultural Competence
The new office will be under the direction of Tina Smith, who has been promoted from assistant dean of students to associate dean. She will have oversight over many organizations including the Women's Center and the Black Cultural Center.