Two African American Scholars in New Teaching Roles

Rita Roberts was named to the Nathaniel Wright Stephenson Chair in History and Biography at Scripps College and Brian Lozenski is a new assistant professor of educational studies at Macalester College.

University of Arkansas Pine Bluff Establishes Its First Endowed Chair

The historically Black university has received a grant from Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield to create the first endowed professorship at the university. Diann Williams, chair of the department of nursing at the university, will be the inaugural holder of the endowed chair.

Vanderbilt University Launches New Diversity Initiative

Part of the new diversity initiative is the establishment of three endowed chairs that will bring scholars to the Vanderbilt campus who will be leading figures in disciplines that match the chancellor's vision of a diverse university.

Six Black Scholars Taking on New Faculty Assignments

They are: Theodore Greene at Bowdoin College, Cherif Keita at Carelton College, Mumba Mumba at Lewis and Clark Community College, Anthony E. Clement at Brooklyn College, Eliza Allen at the University of South Carolina, and Kafi D. Kumasi at Wayne State University.

Three Black Scholars Take on New Teaching Assignments

Llewellyn J. Cornelius was appointed to a named professorship at the University of Georgia School of Social Work. Elicia Cowins is a new assistant professor of accounting at Washington and Lee University in Virginia and Jimmie Witt has joined the faculty at Lewis and Clark Community College in Illinois.

New Academic Roles for Seven Black Scholars

The seven Black scholars who are taking on new duties are Paul C. Clement, Jamal Ratchford, Nicholas Ball, Dineo Khabele, James Hill, Jordanna Malton, and Robert Winn.

Two Black Scholars Join the Faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Graduate School of Education at Harvard University has announced that two members of the university's Faculty of Arts & Sciences - Danielle Allen and Roland G. Fryer Jr. - will hold joint appointments as professors of education.

Ithaca College Aims to Increase the Diversity of Its Faculty

The new guidelines will include training for search committee chairs on tactics to make their searches more inclusive. Candidates from minority groups will be included in semi-finalist and finalist pools for open positions.

Five Black Scholars Taking on New Assignments in Higher Education

The scholars in new teaching roles ate Carolyn Barnes at Duke University, Tondra-Loder-Jackson at the University of Alabama Birmingham, H. Shellae Versey at Wesleyan University, Kisha Lashley at the University of Virginia, and Vanessa Tyson at Scripps College.

Ohio University Aims to Boost Retention of Black and Minority Faculty Members

The Multicultural Junior Faculty Mentoring Program that will assign new junior faculty members from underrepresented groups a senior faculty member who will serve as a mentor.

New Teaching Posts for Five Black Faculty Members

Taking on new assignments are Tarell Alvin McCraney at the University of Miami, Mary D. Bruce at Governors State University, George Ude at Bowie State University, Berhanu Nega at Bucknell University, and Chris Webber at Wake Forest University.

Hampton University Faculty Member Wins Miss Virginia Crown

Desiree Williams, an assistant professor of physical therapy at Hampton University, was recently crowned Miss Virginia and will compete in the 2016 Miss USA pageant.

Three Black Faculty Members Taking on New Roles

Mignon R. Moore is a new associate professor of sociology at Barnard College. Kara Walker was named to an endowed chair at Rutgers University and Jenna Hatcher is taking on new duties at the University of Kentucky's College of Nursing.

Five Black Faculty Members Taking on New Assignments

Taking on new duties are David H. Jackson at Florida A&M University. Belinda Archibong at Barnard College, Derron O. Wallace at Brandeis University, Christena Cleveland at Duke Divinity School, and Zella Palmer at Dillard University.

Former Faculty Member at Harris-Stowe State University Wins Discrimination Lawsuit

A White woman, who is a former instructor at Harris-Stowe State University, a historically Black educational institution in St. Louis, was awarded $4,850,000 from a jury in a circuit court racial discrimination case.

Yale University Earmarks $50 Million for Faculty Diversity Efforts

The Ivy League university will earmark $25 million over a five-year period for faculty recruitment, faculty appointments, and emerging faculty development. Participating schools at Yale will add an additional $25 million in matching funds.

Three African American Women Named to New Faculty Posts

Tameka E. Lester was named to the faculty of the College of Law at Georgia State University. Althema Etzioni has joined the faculty at the School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuskegee University, and Menah Pratt-Clarke was named professor of education at Virginia Tech.

Three Black Faculty Members Take on New Roles

Gwendolyn Williams is joining the faculty at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina. Nzingha Dalila was appointed to the faculty at the Clermont campus of the University of Cincinnati and Jim C. Harper II of North Carolina Central University was elected vice president of programs for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History.

Two African American Men Named to New Faculty Positions

David Murungi is a new assistant professor of information and process management at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, and Thomas A. LaVeist was named professor and chair of the department of health, policy, and management at George Washington University.

Johns Hopkins University Announces a Major New Faculty Diversity Initiative

In 2013, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reported that Blacks made up 4 percent of its total full-time faculty and 1.7 percent of its full professors. Now a new five-year, $25 million initiative has the goal of significantly improving those numbers.

University of Cincinnati Commits $40 Million to Faculty Diversity Initiatives

Yet a new Black student group on campus recently held a protest claiming that the administration's efforts to diversify the faculty have gone too slow. The group stated that there were 75 Blacks out of a total of 2,800 faculty members on campus.

Two Black Men Named to Ivy League University Faculties

Khalil Gibran Muhammad was appointed professor of history, race, and public policy at the Kennedy School at Harvard University and Desmond Jagmohan was named an assistant professor of politics at Princeton University.

Three African American Faculty Members Taking on Added Responsibilities

Taking on new duties are Jacquelyn Taylor at the Yale University School of Nursing, Barbara Krauthamer at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and S. David Mitchell at the University of Missouri.

Steven Nelson to Lead the African Studies Center at UCLA

Dr. Nelson is a professor of African and African American art and architectural history at the university. Professor Nelson is currently working on books about the Underground Railroad and the history of the city of Dakar.

Two Major Research Universities Join the Creating Connections Consortium

The Creating Connections Consortium seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minorities who are hired to tenure-track faculty positions. The University of Chicago and the University of Michigan are the consortium's newest members.

Four New Black Assistant Professors at Cornell University

The new assistant professors are Valerie Aymar in landscape architecture, Stephanie J. Creary and Sean E. Rogers in the School of Hotel Administration, and Samantha N. Sheppard in cinema and media studies.

Three Black Faculty Members Taking on New Assignments

The Black scholars in new roles are Tyson Ling-Meadows at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Kevin K. Gaines at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and Brandy N. Kelly Pryor at the University of Louisville.

Three Black Faculty Members Taking on New Assignments in Higher Education

Taking on new roles are Sean L. Francis at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, Ruqaiijah A. Yearby at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland, and William H. Robinson at the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering in Nashville.

Morgan State University Announces Its First Endowed Faculty Chair

The Endowed Chair in Internet of Things Security was established by a $1 million grant from the Maryland Department of Commerce. The first holder of the endowed chair will be Kevin T. Kornegay, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Morgan State.

New Faculty Appointments at Major Universities for Five Black Scholars

Taking on new roles are Debra J. Barksdale at Virginia Commonwealth University, Michael A. Nutter at Columbia University, Theaster Gates at the University of Chicago, Chris Swan at Tufts University, and Engda Hagos at Colgate University.

Three Black Scholars Hired to Faculty Posts at Wesleyan University in Connecticut

Khalil Johnson was hired as an assistant professor of African American studies. Courtney J. Patterson is a new assistant professor of sociology and Royette Tavernier is a new assistant professor of psychology.

Three Black Scholars Taking on New Assignments

Lynnette Overby, a theatre professor at the University of Delaware, was named deputy director of community engagement. Ian B.K. Martin will join the faculty at West Virginia University and Tasia M. Smith is a new hire at the University of Oregon.

New Faculty Appointments for Two Black Academic Stars

This coming fall, Bryan Massingale, professor of theology at Marquette University in Milwaukee, will join the faculty at Fordham University in New York and Gregory Pardlo, the winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for poetry, will join the faculty at Rutgers University-Camden.

New Faculty Positions for Three Black Scholars

Rexford Ahima was appointed the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Diabetes at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Judith S. Casselbury was promoted and granted tenure at Bowdoin College in Maine, and Andre L. Churchwell was named to an endowed chair at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

Three Black Scholars Appointed to Named Professorships at the University of Chicago

The three Black scholars appointed to named professorships at the University of Chicago are Daniel Abebe and Justin Driver at the University of Chicago Law School and Melissa Gilliam in obstetrics and gynecology and pediatrics.

Seven Black Faculty Members Appointed to New Posts

Here is this week’s roundup of Black faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions.

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