Leading With My Vitae

Dr. Candice Dowd Barnes details her efforts to gain her students' respect and acknowledgment that she belonged in the front of the classroom.

Pedagogy and Trayvon Martin

Dr. Natasha C. Pratt-Harris explores how the Trayvon Martin case will impact her teaching this fall at Morgan State University.

13 Blacks Receive Honorary Degrees From Ivy League Schools

The eight Ivy League universities gave out 52 honorary degrees this commencement season. Of the 52 honorary degrees awarded this year at Ivy League schools, 13, or 25 percent, went to Blacks.

Ten Black Students Awarded Truman Scholarships

The Truman Scholarship Foundation, established by Congress in 1975, has announced 62 winners of Truman Scholarships for 2013. This year it appears that 10 of the 62 winners are African Americans.

One Black Woman’s Legacy of Higher Education

Haldane King Jr. relates how his grandmother fostered a legacy of higher education that has now spanned many generations.

Three African American Men Win Marshall Scholarships

The scholarships, funded by the British government, provide funds for up to two years of study for American students at a British university, and include money for travel, living expenses, and books.

A Statistical Portrait of First-Year Students at Black Colleges and Universities

Each year the characteristics and attitudes of first-year college students are surveyed by researchers at UCLA. We then make comparisons between all first-year students and just those at HBCUs.

Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Research Universities

For the sixth year in a row, Columbia University in New York City has the highest percentage of Black first-year students among the 30 highest-ranking universities in the nation.

Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Liberal Arts Colleges

Wesleyan University leads our rankings with 85 Black freshmen at the college this year (11.3 percent of the entering class).

Three African American Women Win Rhodes Scholarships

Among this year's 32 American Rhodes Scholars are three African American women: Joy A. Buolamwini of Georgia Tech, Rhiana E. Gunn-Wright of Yale, and Nina M. Yancy of Harvard.

Five New Black Members of the Institute of Medicine

The new members are Norman Anderson of the American Psychological Association, John Carethers and Martin Philbert of the University of Michigan, PonJola Coney of Virginia Commonwealth University and Wayne Riley of Meharry Medical College.

Can HBCUs Compete?

Richard F. America, professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., offers strategies on how historically Black colleges and universities can compete in today's world of higher education.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Pre-College Outreach Programs for Black Men

Dr. Jame'l R. Hodges and Dr. Terrell L. Strayhorn offer the results of their study on the effectiveness of Pre-College Outreach Programs for Black Men.

Honorary Degrees Awarded to Blacks in 2012 From the Nation’s Highest-Ranked Universities

This spring the nation's 30 highest-ranked national universities awarded 22 honorary degrees to African Americans and other Black scholars.

Honorary Degrees Given to Blacks by Leading Liberal Arts Colleges in 2012

The nation's highest-ranked liberal arts colleges gave out 16 honorary degrees to Blacks this spring. Last year only 12 Blacks received honorary degrees from this same group of liberal arts colleges.

Ten African Americans Named to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Through an analysis of the list of new fellows conducted by JBHE, it appears that 10 of the 220 new members are Black. Thus, African Americans make up 4.5 percent of the new members.

A New Class of African American Truman Scholars

The Truman Foundation does not release data on the race or ethnicity of scholarship winners. But it appears that there are at least eight African Americans among the 54 new scholars this year.

Five Black Authors Among the Finalists for the National Book Critics Circle Awards

But none of the five Black writers were selected as winners at the March 8 ceremony in New York City.

Tracking Graduation Rates at HBCUs

The student graduation rate at almost all historically Black colleges and universities is below 50 percent. And the trend is not encouraging.

Against All Odds: A Story of Tenacity, Hard Work, and Higher Education

Four teenage friends all became pregnant in high school. But they vowed that by supporting each other and through dedication to hard work and education, they would succeed. Soon they will all hold MBA degrees.

JBHE Annual Survey: Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Research Universities

For the 19th consecutive year, JBHE publishes the results of its annual survey of entering Black students at the nation's leading research universities.

The JBHE Annual Survey: Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Liberal Arts Colleges

Amherst College had led the rankings for five years in a row. This year, Williams College ties Amherst for the top spot.

New Data on the Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates

The U.S. Department of Education recently released data on the success rate of the cohort of students who entered higher education in the fall of 2003.

The Racial Wealth Gap Is Growing: College Access for African Americans at Risk

A new study from the Pew Research Center shows that during the recent recession, the wealth gap has grown even wider.

Honorary Degree Awards Given to Blacks in 2011 by the Nation’s Leading Liberal Arts...

The nation’s leading liberal arts colleges gave out 12 honorary degrees to blacks during this spring’s commencement season.

Honorary Degrees Awarded to Blacks at This Spring’s Commencement Ceremonies of the Nation’s Highest-Ranked...

This spring the nation’s 30 highest-ranked universities and 30 highest-ranked liberal arts colleges bestowed honorary degrees on 33 blacks.

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