University of Massachusetts’ New Fellows Program Aims to Boost Diversity in Its Graduate School
The Spaulding-Smith STEM Fellowship Program is named for Major Franklin Spaulding, the first African American to receive a Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, and Elizabeth Hight Smith, who in 1905, was the first woman to earn a graduate degree at the university.
How Student Loan Debt Impacts the Racial Wealth Gap Years After Students Complete College
The study of nearly 1,500 young adults, led by a professor of social work at the University of Illinois, found that Black and Hispanic students who had accumulated student loan debt during their college years had, at age 30, $36,000 less in net worth than their peers who did not have student loan debt.
African Americans and Pell Grant Student Success
The federal government spends more than $30 billion each year on the Pell Grant program, which benefits well more than half of all Black students enrolled in undergraduate programs. But are colleges and universities doing a good job in graduating Pell Grant students?
Many African American Students Receive Pell Grants: But Do They Graduate?
Some 214 institutions have Pell graduation rates lower than 25 percent. Of the more than 60,000 Pell students initially enrolled at these institutions combined, only 9,904 of them (16 percent) graduated within six years.
Study Examines How Tuition Hikes Impact Campus Diversity
A new study authored by Drew Allen of Princeton University and Gregory C. Wolniak of New York University found that a $1,000 tuition increase at 4-year, non-selective public institutions is associated with a 4.5 percent drop in campus diversity among full-time freshmen.
The Large and Growing Racial Gap in Home Ownership
Many American families use the equity in their home to finance the higher education of their children or grandchildren. Since this source of wealth is less available to Black families, this places African Americans at a disadvantage in financing higher education.
Washington University in St. Louis Is a New Partner of QuestBridge
QuestBridge, based in Palo Alto, California, connects high-achieving students from low-income families to 40 of the nation’s most selective colleges and universities.
University of Georgia Launches New Fundraising Initiative Aimed at Black Alumni
On January 9, 1961, Hamilton E. Holmes and Charlayne Hunter-Gault became the first African-American students to register for classes at the University of Georgia. Now the 1961 Club, commemorating that event, has been established to raise funds from the more than 14,000 Black alumni of the university.
University of Georgia School of Law Looks to Increase Diversity
The University of Georgia School of Law has announced the establishment of the Benham Scholars Program aimed at increasing diversity at the law school. The new program is named after Robert Benham, the first African American justice on the Georgia Supreme Court.
Act II for the Darrell Walker Art and Basketball Fundraiser at Clark Atlanta University
Coach Darrell Walker uses his contacts in the sports, entertainment, and arts fields to secure donations of artwork and memorabilia that are auctioned off to raise money to pay for summer school tuition and other academic services for the players on this team.
Lehigh University Is the Latest Educational Partner of the Posse Foundation
Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, has become a new partner with the Posse Foundation. A Posse of 10 students from the San Francisco Bay area will become Lehigh students next fall. The university hopes to add additional Posses of 10 students each year.
Ranking Top Colleges by the Net Price Paid by Low and Middle-Income Students
The New York Times recently published its list of the Top Colleges Doing the Most for the American Dream. The rankings are based on the percentage of undergraduate students who receive federal Pell Grants as well as the net price students must pay to attend these institutions.
Many Qualified, Low-Income Students Are Not Attending Our Best Colleges
A new report from the Center of Education and Workforce at Georgetown University finds that nearly 90,000 students who are eligible for federal Pell Grants for low income families, are qualified to be admitted to the nation's selective colleges and universities but do not enroll in these institutions.
University of Michigan Alumni Association Expands Scholarships for Underrepresented Students
The Alumni Association of the University of Michigan recently announced a $30 million expansion of its Leadership, Excellence, Achievement and Diversity (LEAD) scholarship program. To be eligible for a LEAD scholarship, a student must have African-American, Latino or Native American heritage.
Beyoncé Creates Scholarships for Women at Two HBCUs
The Formation Scholar awards at Berklee College of Music, Howard University, Parsons School of Design, and Spelman College were established "to encourage and support young women who are unafraid to think outside the box and are bold, creative, conscious, and confident."
First Black Woman Student at the University of Georgia Creates ‘Giving Voice to the...
Charlayne Hunter-Gault and her husband Ron Gault have created the Giving Voice to the Voiceless endowment at the University of Georgia. The endowment will provide grants to university students to promote social justice and global understanding.
Central State University Offers New Scholarship for STEM Majors
The Broadening Ohio's Workforce in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics-Agriculture scholarship offers a renewable $10,000 scholarship for first-year students and community college transfers. To be eligible, students must be Ohio residents and have had a minimum 3.0 grade point average in high school or community college.
New Scholarship Program at Indiana University School of Law Honors Julian Bond
Julian Bond, the noted civil rights leader, legislator, author, NAACP chair, and long-time faculty member at the University of Virginia who died in 2015, was the co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Financial Aid Grant Allows Seniors at HBCUs to Complete Their Degree Programs
Lowe's Corporation has made a $500,000 contribution to the United Negro College Fund's Emergency Student Aid program. The program offers financial aid to seniors at HBCUs who need funds in order to stay in school and complete their degree program.
New Scholarship Honors the First Black Graduate of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
The new scholarship at the medical school was made possible by a gift from Annie Marie Garraway, the sister of Dr. Levi Watkins Jr., the first Black graduate of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
Proposal Would Provide Free College Tuition for Hundreds of Thousands of New Yorkers
Under the so-called Excelsior Scholarship plan, tuition at all two- and four-year college of the State University of New York System and the City University of New York System would be paid by the state for all full-time students from families whose income are below $125,000.
African American Business Tycoon Financing Education of Women Kidnapped by Boko Haram
Robert F. Smith, founder and CEO of Vista Equity Partners and the only African American man on the Forbes list of the 400 wealthiest Americans, has been identified by the Nigerian government as the Good Samaritan who is sponsoring the higher education of 24 women who had been kidnapped by Boko Haram.
The First Cohort of the UNCF Achievement Capstone Program
In the fall of 2015, the National Merit Scholarship Program announced that it was ending its National Achievement Scholarship Program. Over the past 51 years, the program had awarded about $108 million to more than 34,000 college-bound African Americans. The replacement program will award funds to college graduates to pay off loans or for graduate study.
Elite Colleges and Universities Mount Effort to Boost Enrollments of Low-Income Students
The American Talent Initiative, funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies, hopes to expand to 270 educational institutions nationwide. It has set a goal of enrolling and graduating 50,000 students from low-income families by 2025.
University of Mississippi Student Wins $100,000 Scholarship From Dr. Pepper
Earlier this month at halftime of the Big 10 Championship Game, Jarrius Adams won the Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway Football Throw-Off competition. Adams threw 11 footballs, 15 yards into a target during the 30-second contest beating his rival and winning the $100,000 scholarship prize.
Student Loan Debt Is a Major Problem for Large Numbers of HBCU Students
The data shows that 80 percent of all students at HBCUs borrow money under federal student loan programs. One quarter of all HBCUs graduates had student loan debt of more than $40,000. This is four times the rate of non-HBCU graduates.
Yale’s Jackson Institute Offers New Fellowships for African Students
The Jackson Institute currently enrolls about 25 students in its master's degree program in global affairs. About half of these students are from outside the United States. Two new fellowships will be available for African students or others who have shown an interest in studying Africa.
New Fellowship to Aid Black Students at the Harvard Graduate School of Design
The Philip Freelon Fellowship Fund at the Harvard Graduate School of Design will be used to provide financial aid to African Americans and students from other underrepresented groups who are pursuing graduate degrees in design.
Florida A&M University Launches New Effort to Recruit and Retain Top Students
The FAMU Foundation Board of Directors approved the $5 million initiative to help the university increase its graduation rate, enhance academic programs, and recruit top talent.
The Huge Racial Gap in Debt for College Graduates
Four years after they graduate from college, Black students have an average debt load that is $25,000 more than White students who had graduated from college four years earlier. And the amount of debt held by African American college graduates, when adjusted for inflation, has increased sixfold in the past 15 years.
New Federal Data on Pell Grant Participation and Median Income of Recipients
The U.S. Department of Education recently released a new report on participation in the Pell Grant program. The need-based program provides up to $5,815 annually in federal funds for college students.
Syracuse University to Address Its Drop in Student Enrollments From Underrepresented Groups
New data released by the university shows that there has been a significant drop in students of color from underrepresented groups. In 2015, students of color made up 28 percent of the entering class compared to 24 percent this year.
First Four Botstiber Scholars From Africa Arrive at Penn State
The four students from African nations have been awarded full scholarships at Penn State. The scholars will also receive mentoring and internship opportunities. The first cohort includes two students from Ghana and one each from Rwanda and Zimbabwe.
Tracking African American Progress in Higher Education
A new 188-page report from the U.S. Department of Education offers a wide-ranging summary of most of the important educational statistics on enrollment, financial aid, graduation rates, degree attainments etc. as they pertain to race all in one place.
Endowed Scholarship Fund at Jackson State Honors Former Political Science Professor
Jackson State University in Mississippi has created an endowed scholarship fund in honor of Charles Holmes, the former professor and chair of the department of political science in the College of Liberal Arts.
Study Finds Large Racial Disparity in Student Loan Debt
Research conducted at Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis found that low-to-moderate income Black students and graduates accrue on average $7,721 more student debt than their White counterparts.