Black-Owned Firms Remain Only a Tiny Slice of the American Economic Pie

New data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that in 2014 there were 108,473 Black-owned firms with paid employees, making up just 11 percent of all firms designated by the Census Bureau as minority-owned. Black-owned firms made up just 2 percent of all businesses with paid employees.

University Study Finds a Continuing Racial Gap in Hollywood Productions

The University of Southern California study found that of the 100 top-grossing films in 2015, people of color were 26 percent of all the actors who held speaking roles. Seventeen of the 100 top-grossing films had no Black characters whatsoever. Only three of the 100 top-grossing films had a woman of color in a leading role.

The Racial Poverty Gap and Its Impact on Higher Education

The lack of money for higher education is of particular concern to the African American community. Large numbers of young Black Americans who come from low-income families don’t even bother to consider pursuing higher education because of the cost.

The Persisting Large Racial Gap in SAT Score Results

The College Board recently released data on the scores of the SAT college entrance examination for the high school graduating class of 2016. The average combined score on the three SAT sections for Blacks was 1270. This is 302 points below the average combined score for Whites, which stood at 1572.

University of Houston Launches New Institute to Combat Racial Health Disparities

The University of Houston has announced the establishment of a new research institute entitled Helping Everyone Achieve a Life-Time of Health (HEALTH). The mission of the new institute is to lessen health disparities for marginalized or underserved populations.

New Study Finds a Strong Link Between Lead in the Environment and Lower Test...

A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economics Research finds that children's exposure to lead in their environment can have a significant effect on their tests scores. Many Black children from low-income families live in older housing where lead-based paint was used.

Higher Education Does Little to Shrink the Racial Gap in Earnings

The data from the Economic Policy Institute shows that there is an hourly racial wage gap of about $3.75 for Black and White workers with a high school diploma but no further education. But for those with a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree, there is a racial wage gap of more than $6 an hour.

Government Reports Decline in Death Rates for Breast Cancer: But Racial Disparities Persist

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released new data showing a decline in death rates for breast cancer from 2010 to 2014. But the data showed that the decline in death rates was faster for White women than for Black women. This was particularly true for older Black women.

New Report Examines Racial Differences in Computer Science Education

Among the findings of a a new report from Google is the fact that only 47 percent of Black students nationwide attend schools that have courses in computer science, compared to 58 percent of White students.

The Huge Racial Gap in Debt for College Graduates

Four years after they graduate from college, Black students have an average debt load that is $25,000 more than White students who had graduated from college four years earlier. And the amount of debt held by African American college graduates, when adjusted for inflation, has increased sixfold in the past 15 years.

Racial Differences in Mobility Rates in the United States by Educational Attainment

The racial gap in moving rates is significantly higher for those with lower levels of education. For Blacks and Whites with graduate or professional degrees, the difference is moving rates is only slightly higher for African Americans.

Research Finds That the Racial Earnings Gap for Men Has Returned to 1950s Level

The authors explain that the changing economy has been difficult for all workers with less than a high school education but has been particularly devastating for Black men. They found that in 1960, 19 percent of Black men were not working. By 2014, 35 percent of Black men were not employed.

Study Finds Large But Narrowing Racial Divide in Residential Racial Segregation

A recent study by researchers at Pennsylvania State University finds that despite a narrowing in the racial poverty gap, Blacks and Hispanics still are significantly more likely than Whites to live in high-poverty neighborhoods.

Study Documents the Severity of the Racial Gap in Dentistry

The study, by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, and in the dental department of Bronx-Lebanon Hospital in New York, found that for racial parity to prevail with the Black population, an additional 19,714 African American dentists would be needed.

Black Directors of Methadone Clinics Are the Least Likely to Dispense Recommended Minimum Doses

A study led by a researcher at Johns Hopkins University finds that at methadone treatment facilities run by African American directors, patients are less likely to receive the recommended minimum dose than at facilities directed by managers of other races or ethnic groups.

Academic Study Finds Racial Bias in Death Penalty Cases: But It May Not Be...

The study led by researchers at Michigan State University found that the race of the defendant does not have much impact in death penalty cases. But defendants were twice as likely to receive the death penalty if the victim was White than if the victim was Black.

New Report From The College Board Examines the Racial Gap in Educational Attainment and...

The data shows that as Blacks move up the educational ladder, the racial earnings gap tends to diminish for younger workers. The report also shows that Blacks over the age of 25 with a bachelor's degree or higher in 2015 were more likely to be in the labor force than Whites.

University of Kansas Seeks to Boost Participation of Underrepresented Groups in Cancer Clinical Trials

The series of videos, posters, fliers and more will feature patients’ own doctors and nurses while addressing the concerns and questions they most often have about participating in such trials.

Misbehavior and Negative Attitudes Do Not Explain the High Suspension Rates of Black Students

The results of two studies found that, although some differences existed among races in certain types of misbehavior, these differences could not explain the disproportionalities in suspension rates.

The Racial Gap in Administrative Posts in Higher Education

A new report from the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources finds that Blacks hold only 7 percent of all administrative posts in higher education. But Black and other minority administrators now earn at levels similar to their White counterparts.

The Education Trust Examines the Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates

The report identifies 18 universities where the Black graduation rate is either higher than the rate for White students or is only slight lower than the rate for White students. In contrast, the report identifies 21 universities where the graduation rate gap is very large.

Report Urges Continued Investment in Public Higher Education To Eliminate Racial Disparities

In a new report, the Center for American Progress outlines persisting racial disparities in American education and calls for continued investment in the nation's public schools in an effort to eliminate these disparities.

University Study Finds School Discipline Policies Unfairly Impact Black Girls

The authors point out that Black girls have a higher rate of suspensions than girls from any other racial or ethnic group and have a higher rate of suspension than for boys, except for African Americans and American Indians.

Study Finds Blacks Far More Likely to Be Wrongfully Convicted of Crimes

The National Registry of Exonerations examined the cases of 1,900 defendants who were convicted of crimes between 1989 and 2016 and later exonerated. They found that 47 percent of these exonerated defendants were African Americans.

African Americans Making Little Progress in College Sports Administration

The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at the University of Central Florida recently released its annual report on racial equality in college athletics. The scorecard gave a grade of C+ for racial diversity in college’s sport programs.

The Racial Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States

More than one third, 37.3 percent, of non-Hispanic Whites over the age of 25, have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree. For African American adults, 23.3 percent have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Study Finds Colleges Can Share the Blame for the Racial Gap in Graduation Rates

A new study by researchers at New York University, Florida State University, and Southern Methodist University finds that more than 60 percent of the racial gap in college completion rates may be attributed to factors that occur before college.

The Percentage of Black Teachers in the Nation’s Schools Shows a Significant Decline

In 1987 there were 197,900 Black teachers employed by the nation's elementary and secondary schools. By 2012, this number had grown to 247,900. But shockingly, the percentage of all teachers who were Black dropped from 7.5 percent to 6.4 percent.

University Study Finds That Blacks Are More Likely Than Whites to Be Bullied at...

The results of the study, led by researchers at Georgia State University in Atlanta, showed that about one of every five workers reported being subjected to workplace bullying, but that African Americans were bullied at a higher rate than Whites.

The Growing Racial Gap in Home Ownership

Many American families use the equity in their home to finance the higher education of their children or grandchildren. Since this source of wealth is less available to Black families, this places African Americans at a disadvantage in financing higher education.

University of New Hampshire Study Finds Persisting Racial Gap in Child Poverty

More than one third of all African American children continue to live in poverty. In 2015, 36.5 percent of all Black children lived in families below the poverty line. This is more than three times the rate for non-Hispanic White children.

Boston College Reports Address How Race Impacts Economic Opportunity and Mobility

The reports address research related to The Opportunity Project, launched by the Obama administration in 2016. The project was designed to provide data to civic and community leaders on topics such as job creation, housing, transportation and education.

New Report Confirms the Large Racial Gap in College Completion Rates

A new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center finds that for students entering college in 2010, more than two thirds of White students, 67.2 percent, earned their degree within six years. This was more than 21 percentage points higher than the degree completion rate for African Americans.

Employment and Unemployment Rates by Race for Young College Students

For 16- to 24-year-old Blacks enrolled in college, 7.6 percent were actively seeking work but couldn't find it. The unemployment rate for White college students in this age group was 5.7 percent.

Huge Racial Disparity in Prisoners Serving Life Sentences

According to a new report from The Sentencing Project, nearly one half of life and virtual life-sentenced prisoners are African American. In Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, and South Carolina two thirds or more are African American.

The Racial Gap in School Discipline Is Widest for Girls

The study of middle and high school students in a large urban district by researchers at Indiana University and the University of Kentucky, found that Blacks girls are three times as likely as White girls to be sent to the principal's office.

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