Academic Study Finds Companies Target African Americans With Ads for Unhealthy Foods
The study led by scholars at the University of Connecticut found that unhealthy food advertising targeting Black audiences increased by more than 50 percent between 2013 and 2017. Overall television food advertising declined by 4 percent during the period.
Level of Education Impacts How Often People Discuss Racial Issues
College-educated Blacks and Whites are more likely to discuss relations than their less-educated peers. But for college-educated adults, Blacks are more likely than Whites to say they talk at least sometimes about race relations by a margin of 79 percent to 59 percent.
Report Reveals Underrepresentation of Students from Minority Serving Institutions in Study Abroad
The report offers insight into the challenges facing students who want to study abroad including barriers of cost, culture, and curriculum.
HBCUs Exceed Expectations When it Comes to Black Enrollment and Graduation Rates
For an example, in Florida, HBCUs represent just 4 percent of the state's four-year college and universities, but enroll 9 percent of all Black undergraduates and award 18 percent of bachelor's degrees to Black graduates.
New Report Examines the Racial Makeup of Private Schools in the United States
Black students accounted for 9.3 percent of all private school students in the United States. This is a far lower percentage than the Black percentage of all students in the nation's public school systems. African Americans accounted for 18.5 percent of students at schools that served special education students.
Census Bureau Offers New Data on Population and Age for African Americans
The statistics show that between 2010 and 2018, the median age of the U.S. population increased by one year from 37.2 to 38.2. The median age of African Americans increased by 1.4 years, a larger increase than for the population as a whole.
Study Finds Lack of Black Tenured Faculty at All Levels of Higher Education
The results of the study, led by a dean at the University of Kentucky, found that only 4.05 percent of tenured faculty at doctoral level institutions are Black. In fact, racial diversity among tenured faculty continues to lag across all levels of higher education.
Black Children Are Less Likely to Receive Bystander CPR Than White Children After Cardiac...
The results found that a total of 3,399 children, or 48 percent of the total number of recorded cardiac arrests, received bystander CPR. When compared to White children, bystander CPR was 41 percent less likely for Black youth.
The Economic and Educational Status of African Americans a Year After Earning a Bachelor’s...
The median income of recent African American college graduates was $36,000. For Whites, the median income was $40,000. This income gap for recent college graduates is far narrower than the overall Black-White income gap. This shows the value of higher education in reducing income equality.
Study Finds Bans on Race-Sensitive College Admissions Had Impact on Public Health
Overall, self-reported rates of smoking among underrepresented minority 11th and 12th graders increased by 3.8 percentage points in the same years each of the states discussed, passed, and implemented the bans, compared to those living in states with no bans.
Racial Differences in College Persistence and Retention Rates
A new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center finds that college student persistence and retention rates are on the rise. But there remains significant differences in these rates between Blacks and Whites.
New Report Finds Residential Segregation Remains Rampant in the United States
The Center for American Progress reports that significant disparities still exist between African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites in terms of access to homeownership. This, in turn, hinders the ability of African American families to send their children to quality public schools.
Does Rising Neighborhood Diversity Lead to a Drop in Social Capital?
Some researchers suggest that social capital may decline because people retreat into their shells when faced with rising diversity — rejecting newcomers but also pulling back on engagement with people of their own ethnic group in an effort to shelter themselves.
How the Student Loan Debt Crisis Impacts Racial Diversity in the Teacher Workforce
The statistics show that 91 percent of the Blacks who completed teacher training programs accumulated student debt, compared to 76 percent of their White counterparts. And the median undergraduate debt load of Black teachers is about double the median debt load of White teachers.
Study Sheds New Light on Racial Disparity in Special Education Assignments
A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research and led by an economist at Michigan State University finds that special education assignment rates aren’t necessarily about a student’s race – but rather about how that student’s race compares to the school’s racial makeup.
Racial Disparities in School Discipline Have Little to Do With Different Student Behavior
A new study from scholars at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and Princeton University in New Jersey, not only examined racial differences in discipline rates at schools but goes farther to examine the reasons for the racial disparity.
The Racial Gap in Student Debt for Graduates of State Universities in Texas
According to a new study by Dominique J. Baker, an assistant professor of education policy at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, White students who graduated from Texas state universities have a debt-to-income ratio of 68 percent, compared to 117 percent for Black students who graduated from state universities in Texas.
Study Finds Black Students Receive Fewer Warnings From Teachers About Their Misbehavior
New research from the University of Illinois has found that Black middle school students are significantly less likely than their White peers to receive verbal or written warnings from their teachers about behavioral infractions before disciplinary action is taken.
The Snail-Like Progress of Black Scholars on College and University Faculties
In 1997, Blacks made up 5 percent of all college and university faculty, compared to 6 percent 20 years later in 2017. At this rate of progress, the percentage of Blacks on the faculties of American colleges and universities would not reach parity with the percentage of Black enrollments for 160 years.
The Racial Gap in Participation in High School AP, IB, and Dual Enrollment Programs
According to a new report released by the U.S. Department of Education, White high school students are far more likely than their Black peers to take Advanced Placement (AP) classes, international baccalaureate (IB) courses or participate in dual enrollment courses with colleges.
Police Use-of-Force Is the Sixth Leading Cause of Death for Young Black Men
The results found that about 100 in 100,000 Black males will be killed by police during their lives, while only 39 White males per 100,000 are killed by police. This means Black males are about 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than White males.
Study Finds New Information Regarding the Elaine Massacre of 1919
In the fall of 1919, a mob of about 500 to 1,000 White people stormed through Phillips County, Arkansas, killing Black men, women, and children on sight. It is estimated that between 100 and 237 African Americans were killed during the riot.
New Report Documents the Rise of Racial Hate on College and University Campuses
The report document that in 2016, more than 1,000 hate crimes were committed on college campuses across the country. Furthermore, the report finds that between 2011 and 2016, there was a 40 percent increase in campus hate crimes.
Black-Led Venture Capital Funds Are Judged More Harshly Than Their White Counterparts
venture capital funds managed by a person of color are judged more harshly by professional investors than their White counterparts with identical credentials. The findings also suggest that minority-owned venture capital firms actually face more bias when they are successful.
Study Discovers Localized Standards Lead to More Diverse Gifted Education Programs
Nationwide, only the top 5 to 15 percent of all students qualified for gifted education classes. But of the top 50 to 15 percent of students at all schools qualified for gifted education, African American enrollments in these classes would quadruple.
U.S. Department of Education Releases New Data on Racial Differences in Financial Aid
Whites were significantly more likely than Blacks to receive merit-based financial aid from their colleges or universities. Some 14.2 percent of Whites received merit-based financial aid from their colleges or universities compared to 8 percent of Blacks.
New Study Shows Declining Racial Gaps in Criminal Sentencing Since the 1990s
In 1992, Black Americans were sentenced to roughly 27 more months in prison than White Americans, increasing to a difference of 42 months in 1996. In 2016, the gap was only eight months, an 80 percent reduction from 20 years earlier.
Research Documents a Significant Lack of Racial Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trials
"Our findings show that the science might not be applicable to the population that’s going to receive the medications," said the study’s lead author, Dr. Jonathan Loree.
A Snapshot of the Status of African Americans Among School Principals in the United...
African Americans were more than 20 percent of all principals at schools where 75 percent of all students qualified for federally financed school lunches. But Blacks were only 3.8 percent of the principals in schools where less than 35 percent of all students qualified for free lunches.
Higher Education Does Not Protect Blacks From Environmental Hazards at Work
Blacks with a college-education were significantly more likely than their educated White peers to be in jobs that exposed them to second-hand smoke. This health hazard has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
West Virginia University Scholars Developing a Toolkit to Help Increase Faculty Diversity
The team is investigating which approaches, leadership roles, and institutional contexts are advancing faculty equity in STEM. They are assessing the impact of initiatives that focus on transforming institutional culture and implementing programs to help underrepresented graduate students reach their career goals.
Gender and Race Both Have a Major Impact on Black Women’s Inequality in the...
In 2017, Black women earned 61 cents for every dollar earned by White men, amounting to $23,653 less in earnings over an entire year. In the span of a 40-year career, this translates into an average lifetime earnings gap of $946,120 between Black women and White men.
New Report Focuses on Disparities in School Discipline Faced by Black Girls
A new report from the African American Policy Forum and the Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies at Columbia Law School finds that Black girls face a statistically greater chance of suspension and expulsion compared to other students of the same gender.
A Check-Up on Trends in Black Applicants and Matriculants at U.S. Medical Schools
The study found that the number of applicants and matriculants from underrepresented groups increased at a greater rate than for applicants and enrollments as a whole. However, the study found that from 2002 to 2017, Black applicants and matriculants of both sexes were still underrepresented.
The Persisting Racial Wealth Gap and Its Impact on Higher Education
New Census data shows that the median net worth of non-Hispanic White households was $139,300 in 2015. For Black households, the median net worth was $12,780. Thus, the median net worth of White households was nearly 11 times the median net worth of Black households.
Racism and “Categorical Manipulation” in Disability Status in Education
A new study from the University of Kansas shows that when groups who have enjoyed status and prestige for a long time are forced to accept outsiders into their customary categories, they can move down to what formerly was a less prime slot and use their influence to redefine the terms of categorization.