Eighteen-Year-Old African American Earns Degree in Physics at Southern University

During college he conducted summer research at North Carolina State University. He plans to start graduate school in the fall and pursue a career in biological and physics engineering.

Medical Prodigy Is a Freshman at Florida A&M

At age 14 Tony D. Hansberry developed a new suture method for patients undergoing hysterectomies. The new method decreases hospital stays for women who undergo the surgery.

Florida A&M University Professor Is on the Cutting Edge of HIV Research

Kinfe Ken Redda, professor of medicinal chemistry in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Florida A&M University, has received a U.S. patent for the development of therapeutic agents for the treatment of HIV.

Xavier University Fast Tracks Students Into Its Professional Pharmacy Program

Xavier University in New Orleans has a stellar record in producing Black graduates in STEM fields. Many of these graduates go on to medical school and to careers in the health professions.

Satellite Management Project at Bowie State University Comes to an End

For the past eight years, Bowie State University in Maryland has acted as mission control for NASA's solar, anomalous and magnetospheric particle explorer satellite.

Taking Measure of Black Students in STEM Courses

Nearly 86 percent of African American college students take at least some STEM courses during their college years. This is only slightly lower than the rate for White college students.

Karine Gibbs of Harvard University Wins Packard Foundation Fellowship

An assistant professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University, Dr. Gibbs will receive a total of $875,000 over the next five years to use in any way she wants to further her research.

Addressing the Racial Divide in STEM Education

The data suggests that attracting Black students to STEM fields is not the problem but keeping them there is a major concern.

Survey Finds That Black Youth Are Not Interested in STEM Careers

A survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia found that 61 percent of all Black high school students are not interested in pursuing a career in heath care or the sciences.

Boosting the Number of Minorities in Engineering

The Consortium of Minority-Serving Engineering and Technology Programs at Urban, Public Universities presented a plan to Congress to increase the number of minorities in the engineering field by 60 percent over the next 12 years.

University of Arkansas’ Stellar Record in Boosting Black Engineering Enrollments

Over the past five years, the number of African American first-year students in the College of Engineering has increased from 16 to 64, a 300 percent rise.

Using Hip-Hop to Attract Black Students to the Chemical Sciences

Sabrina Collins of the College of Wooster and her colleagues developed a Powerpoint presentation that uses hip-hop concepts to make chemistry more appealing to minority students.

Arizona State University Professor Seeks to Advance Engineering Education in Africa

Over the past 15 years, Arizona State University professor Terry Alford has made 12 trips to Africa to teach two-week engineering seminars at schools and universities.

Black Degree Attainments in Engineering

In 2011, Blacks earned 4.2 percent of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in engineering. A decade ago in 2002, Blacks earned 5.4 percent of bachelor’s degrees in engineering.

Case Western Reserve Aims to Increase Minority Ph.D. Students in STEM Fields

The Association of Underrepresented Minority Fellows (AUMF) has a new academic home at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

The New Class of UNCF/Merck Science Initiative Scholars

Now in its 17th year, the UNCF/Merck Science Initiative has provided scholarships and fellowships to 627 students.

Program Seeks to Increase the Diversity of Neuroscience Faculty

The Broadening the Representation of Academic Investigations in Neuroscience (BRAINS) program will feature a three-day seminar this coming January on Bainbridge Island in Washington.

Students at HBCU Develop Product That Uses Heat From a Human Hand to Charge...

The technology could also be used on other devices such as laptop and tablet computers and music players. The coating could also be applied to automobiles to boost fuel efficiency.

Florida A&M University Professor Receives a U.S. Patent for Infection-Fighting Drug

Seth Y. Ablordeppey, a professor in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, has received a U.S. patent for modifications he made to the drug Cryptolepine.

Vanderbilt and Fisk Partner to Increase the Number of Blacks Pursuing Ph.D.s in the...

Vanderbilt University is on track this year to become the number one producer of minority Ph.D. recipients in physics, astronomy and materials science, areas where minorities are grossly underrepresented.

Three African Americans Earn Ph.D.s in Chemistry at Ole Miss

On average, about 50 African Americans earn a Ph.D. in chemistry every year. This year three of them are at the University of Mississippi.

Two Africans at Cornell University Develop Garments to Fight Malaria

The garments use fabric that is embedded at the molecular level with insecticides to ward off mosquitoes infected with malaria, a disease that kills some 655,000 people annually in Africa.

University of Iowa Is a Powerhouse In Producing Minority Ph.D.s in Mathematics

Over the past decade, the mathematics department at the university of Iowa has awarded doctorates to 25 minority students. This is about 8 percent of all doctorates in mathematics awarded to minorities nationwide during the period.

Bucknell Program Seeks to Boost Retention of Minority Engineering Students

This year there are nine sophomores and 13 freshmen enrolled in the Engineering Success Alliance that provides academic support services, peer support, tutoring, and internship and research opportunities.

Texas A&M University to Admit Two Posses of 10 Students in 2013

In the fall of 2013, two posses of students, one from Atlanta and one from Houston, will enroll on the College Station campus.

The University of Wisconsin Takes the Lead in Advancing Diversity in Engineering Ph.D. Programs

Over the past decade, about 350 minority students have earned Ph.D.s in engineering nationwide. Forty-five of them have participated in the GERS program.

UConn Scientist on the Cutting Edge of Research on Regenerating Human Tissues

Dr. Cato T. Laurencin's work on tissue regeneration is called one of the "100 scientific discoveries that changed the world."

Carnegie Mellon University Teams Up With Kenya ICT Board

The groups are developing a credentialing examination for software developers that eventually they hope to roll out worldwide.

Bus Tour for Diversity In Medicine to Stop at Five HBCUs

At each school visited, about 150 students will participate in a full-day program where they will learn how to succeed in pursuing a medical career.

Pioneering Black Chemists in Ohio

Sabrina N. Collins, an assistant professor of chemistry at the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio, has published an informative study on some of the earliest African American chemists in Ohio.

Mentoring Program Aims to Increase the Number of Black Men Seeking Careers in Medicine

Fifteen African American male students from sixth grade classes in Pittsburgh area schools are chosen for the program each year.

Three African American Scholars Win Presidential Mentoring Awards

Solomon Bililign, Winston Anderson, and Juan Gilbert will receive their awards at a White House ceremony later this year.

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