Tag: University of Michigan

Three African Americans in New Faculty Roles

Shirley Franklin, the former mayor of Atlanta, will be teaching at the University of Texas. Vivian Fluellen was named to department chair at Fort Valley State University and Desmond Patton is a new assistant professor of social work at the University of Michigan.

University of Michigan Launches the Understanding Race Project

From January through April, the university will feature public exhibits, lectures, performances, symposia, and other events examining the role of race in American society. During the spring semester, 130 courses dealing with racial issues will be offered students in a wide variety of disciplines.

Michigan Renews Support for Its Africa Studies Center

The university will provide $1.8 million to the center over the next three years. The money supports research, course development, fellowships, and other initiatives.

Higher Education Grants of Interest to African-Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Appeals Court Strikes Down Michigan Ban on Race-Sensitive Admissions

In a highly controversial decision, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 8 to 7 to strike down Proposal 2 that was overwhelmingly approved by Michigan voters in 2006.

Five New Black Members of the Institute of Medicine

The new members are Norman Anderson of the American Psychological Association, John Carethers and Martin Philbert of the University of Michigan, PonJola Coney of Virginia Commonwealth University and Wayne Riley of Meharry Medical College.

The Post Post-Racial Era?

The election of Barack Obama in 2008 prompted some commentators to say that the nation had entered a post-racial era, but new data from researchers at three universities shows that anti-Black sentiments are on the rise.

Tracking Black Enrollments at the University of Michigan

This fall, there are 323 African Americans in the entering class. This is down from 347 African-American first-year students last fall. This year, African Americans are 5.5 percent of the entering class.

Higher Education Grants of Interest to African-Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Higher Education Grants of Interest to African-Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Television Viewing Can Negatively Impact the Self-Esteem of Young African Americans

The results found that for Black and White girls and young Black males, their self esteem was lower the more they watched television. But for White males who watched a lot of television, their self-esteem increased.

University of Michigan Study Finds Racial Disparity in Adherence to HIV Drug Therapy

The study of patients receiving antiretroviral drug therapy found that only 30 percent of African American patients maintained the optimal adherence to their prescribed schedule.

Ten African Americans Named to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Through an analysis of the list of new fellows conducted by JBHE, it appears that 10 of the 220 new members are Black. Thus, African Americans make up 4.5 percent of the new members.

University of Michigan Study Finds Racial Disparity in Prescriptions for Antidepressants

For patients with a major depressive disorder, Whites were 1.52 times as likely as Blacks to be prescribed antidepressant drugs.

Highly Educated People No More Likely to Support Affirmative Action Than Their Less-Educated Peers

A study by Geoffrey T. Wodtke of the University of Michigan finds that well-educated Whites and Blacks support affirmative action in the labor market at the same level as Whites and Blacks with lower levels of education.

Supreme Court to Revisit Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Most observers believe the Court deciding this case is more conservative than the one that narrowly approved limited race-sensitive admissions in 2003.

In Smoking, the Racial Gap Strongly Favors Blacks

A University of Michigan study finds that Whites are twice as likely as Blacks to smoke cigarettes.

University of Michigan Releases Black Enrollment Data

Official counts of black students have declined but the numbers may be a bit deceiving.

Measuring the Educational Impact of Living in a High Poverty Area

Growing up in a low-income neighborhood has a devastating impact of the life prospects of young blacks.

University Study Indicates a Lessening of Residential Racial Segregation

Study finds a decline in residential segregation in all 394 U.S. metro areas.

Two African-American Academics Win Genius Awards

Tiya Miles and Roland Fryer are among the 22 winners of MacArthur Foundation Fellowships.

At the University of Michigan, Minority Applications Are Up, But the Number of Minority Students Accepted for Admission Is...

The University of Michigan has announced that it received a record number of applications for the 2011 entering class. However, the university announced that 1,576 minority students were accepted for admission, a 3.7 decrease from a year ago.

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