Minority Male Community College Collaborative to Expand Nationwide
Since 2011, The Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3) has partnered with over 45 community colleges in eight states. Now the organization plans to expand the effort to community colleges throughout the nation.
University of Kentucky to Remove a Mural That Is Offensive to Many Black Students
During the Great Depression, Ann Rice O’Hanlon painted a 38 feet wide, 11 feet tall mural on Kentucky history in Memorial Hall. The mural depicts enslaved African Americas hunched in a field, Black musicians playing for White dancers, and a Native American threatening a White settler with a tomahawk.
CDC Finds Over One Third of Black American Adults Do Not Know How to...
The study found that 36.8 percent of Black adults reported not knowing how to swim, compared to just 15 percent of all adults. Researchers from the CDC suggest this difference is due to differences in access to swimming lessons in underserved communities.
Black Women Are the Most Likely Group to Be Single-Parents
According to the United States Census Bureau, Back households were the most likely group to be a family household maintained by a women without a spouse, with about 25 percent of all Black households falling into this category.
School Segregation is Widening Racial Achievement Gaps in U.S. Public Schools
A new study from scholars at Stanford University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Alabama, has found racial achievement gaps grow more quickly in districts where Black and Hispanic students attend higher-poverty schools than their White peers.