Morgan State University in Baltimore to Expand Its STEM Degree Offerings

The Morgan State Univerity Board of Regents voted unanimously to add several multidisciplinary programs in STEM fields. The university announced plans to offer a bachelor’s degree program in mechatronics engineering. Morgan State will be the the first university in the state of Maryland and the only HBCU nationwide to offer a bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering. The university will also add a new Ph.D. program in secure embedded systems. The new programs are expected to enroll their first students in the fall of 2021.

In addition, the university will offer a 3+2 dual bachelor’s degree program with Purdue University in West Lafayette Indiana. Under the dual-degree program Morgan State students would spend three years in Baltimore working toward a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or engineering physics from Morgan and then spend two years studying for a second bachelor’s degree in aeronautics and astronautics from Purdue University.

“The future is now, and Morgan is firmly planted at the doorstep of ushering the next generation of scientists, engineers, professionals and business entrepreneurs for tomorrow’s interconnected, global economies — and the addition of programs rooted in emerging technologies, adaptive thinking and cross-disciplinary skills, such as these, are equally critical to Morgan attaining R1 research status,” said David K. Wilson, president of Morgan State University.

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  1. Here’s another glaring misguided and poor administrative example of David Wilson’s attempt to create more programs at Morgan State without the appropriate faculty and facility support. What David needs to do is significantly strengthen all of the current academic programs at Morgan State first and foremost. Further, David is definitely an internal threat to Morgan State because he’s determined for Morgan State to be known as a non-HBCU. David and his minions have already changed the mission statement at Morgan State in which HBCU has been silently removed without any sort of public comment. Let’sbe clear, David is not the only HBCU President who is participating in this type of incremental dismantling of the HBCU “true mission”.

  2. This is just another smoke and mirrors at the bequest of David Wilson because it good higher education optics. Hip hip hooray! Yeah Right!

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