Mary Frances Berry Honored by the American Society of Legal History

Mary Frances Berry, former chair of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, is the Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought and professor of history in the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

Marquis Hill Wins the Thelonius Monk Jazz Competition

Marquis Hill is a teaching associate in the jazz program at the University of Illinois-Chicago. He is a graduate of Northern Illinois University and holds a master's degree in jazz pedagogy from DePaul University in Chicago.

Two African American Educators Honored by Indiana University

Stanley Warren, a retired professor of education at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, and Shaun R. Harper of the University of Pennsylvania, received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Education at Indiana University.

Melanie Murry Honored by the National Bar Association

Melanie Murry, University Counsel at the University of Memphis in Tennessee, received the 2014 A.A. Latting Award for Outstanding Community Services.

Albany State University Honors Its Former President

Albany State University in Georgia has announced that it is renaming an academic building on campus to honor the institution's sixth president Billy C. Black.

A Pair of African American Women Honored With Prestigious Awards

The honorees are Tiffany A. Flowers, instructor of education at Georgia Perimeter College in Decatur, and Serita Acker, the director of the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program at Clemson University in South Carolina.

Claudia Rankine Is a Finalist for the National Book Award in Poetry

Claudia Rankine, the Henry G. Lee Professor of English at Pomona College in Claremont, California, is one of five finalists for the National Book Award in the poetry category.

Howard University’s Frank Ross Honored by the American Institute of CPAs

Frank K. Ross, the director of the Center for Accounting Education at the Howard University School of Business, received the 2014 Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Service from the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA).

Honors Bestowed on Four African American Scholars

The honorees are Antoine J. Alston of North Carolina A&T State University, Adriel A. Hilton of Western Carolina University, Phyllis Miller of Mississippi State University, and Bernardine M. Lacey of Delaware State University.

Colorado State University Scientist to Be Honored by the Institute of Caribbean Studies

Robert B. France, professor of computer science at Colorado State University, has been selected to receive the Excellence in Science and Technology Award from the Institute of Caribbean Studies.

Cato Laurencin Receives a Pioneer Award From the National Institutes of Health

He is the first faculty member at the University of Connecticut to win the award. The award comes with a $4 million grant to enable Dr. Laurencin to continue his groundbreaking work on regenerative engineering.

Distinguished Honors for Three African American Scholars

The honorees at Brandon Keith Brown assistant professor of music at Brown University, William M. Carter Jr., dean of the law school at the University of Pittsburgh, and Robin E. Dock, an associate professor at Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina.

Yale’s Hazel Carby to Receive a Prestigious Medal for Literary Achievement

Professor Carby has been selected to received the 2014 Jay B. Hubbell Medal for Lifetime Achievement in American Literary Studies. The award is sponsored by the American Literature Section of the Modern Language Association.

Stanford University’s Condoleezza Rice Receives West Point’s Thayer Award

The award is presented by the U.S. Military Academy's Association of Graduates to individuals who exemplify West Point's motto, "Duty, Honor, Country." Dr. Rice, a former U.S. secretary of state, is now a professor at Stanford University.

Professor Wins a National Award for Her Book on the History of Black Journalists

Jinx Coleman Broussard, a professor in the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, received the History Division Book Award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Notable Honors for Three Black Men With Ties to the Academic World

Patrick Cage of Chicago State University and Chinedum Osuji of Yale University are being honored by professional societies and mystery writer Walter Mosley is receiving an award from the City College of New York.

Jackson State University Names a Recital Hall to Honor Long-Time Music Professor

Jimmie James served on the staff at Jackson State University in Mississippi for 43 years, rising through the ranks to chair the department of music. The university honored his service by placing his name on a recital hall in the campus music center.

Four Black Scholars With Ties to Academia Win American Book Awards

The Before Columbus Foundation of Oakland, California is honoring Emily Raboteau of CCNY, Jonathan Scott Holloway of Yale, Sterling Plumpp of the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Jamaica Kincaid of Claremont McKenna College.

University of Nebraska Scholar Honored for Journalism Research

Dane Kiambi, an assistant professor of public relations at the University of Nebraska, received the Best Paper Award for Journalism Research from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

John Brooks Slaughter Is Honored by the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering

Dr. Slaughter is professor of education and professor of engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He is the former president of NACME and was chancellor of the University of Maryland and president of Occidental College.

Vassar College Professor Wins the Saroyan Prize for International Writing

Kiese Laymon is an associate professor of English at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. The Saroyan Prize is given every two years by the Stanford University Libraries and the William Soroyan Foundation.

Emory University Scholar to Receive the Lillian Smith Book Award

Bernard Lafayette Jr., the Distinguished Senior Scholar-in-Residence at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, is being honored for his book about his time as leader of the Selma, Alabama, voting rights protests.

Four African Americans Presented With Prestigious Awards

The four honorees are Lynden A. Archer of Cornell University in New York, Gary L. LeRoy of Wright State University in Detroit, Jada Bussey-Jones of Emory University in Atlanta, and Derek Wilson of Prairie View A&M University in Texas.

Sierra Club Names Its New Award After a Texas Southern University Dean

The Sierra Club has announced the establishment of a new award that will honor an individual or a group that has done outstanding work in the area of environmental justice. The award will be named after Dr. Robert Bullard, one of the founders of the environmental justice movement.

Spelman College President Earns Highest Honor From the American Psychological Association

The citation for the award given to Beverly Daniel Tatum said that "you have engaged the very difficult subject of race relations in the United States, and the impact of such an environment on identity development for African Americans."

Vanderbilt University Honors Its First African American Administrator

Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, has announced that it is naming its newest residence hall in honor of Kelly Miller Smith, who served as assistant dean at the Vanderbilt Divinity School from 1969 until his death in 1984.

University of Georgia Scholar Honored for His Work on Climate Change

J. Marshall Shepherd, the UGA Athletic Association Professor in the Social Sciences at the University of Georgia, was named a Captain Planet Protector of the Earth by Ted Turner's Captain Planet Foundation.

University of Colorado Professor Wins PEN Open Book Award

Professor Ruth Ellen Kocher was honored for her collection of poems, domina Un/blued (Tupelo Press, 2013). She will receive the award, and a $5,000 cash prize, at a ceremony in New York City on September 29.

Victor R. McCrary Jr. Named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society

Dr. McCrary is vice president for research and economic development at Morgan State University. He is being honored for his research at AT&T Bell Laboratories, the National Institute of Standards, and the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University.

University of Kentucky Scholar Named Rhetorician of the Year

Adam J. Banks, professor in the department of writing, rhetoric, and digital studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky, was named the 2014 Rhetorician of the Year by the The Young Rhetoricians Conference.

Hampton University Professor Wins National Award for the Teaching of Science

Edison R. Fowlks, a professor of biology and director of the Biotechnology Laboratory at Hampton University in Virginia, will be honored this December by the American Society of Cell Biology.

University of Delaware Scholar Honored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Babatunda A. Ogunnaike, dean of engineering at the University of Delaware, has been selected to receive the 2014 Eminent Chemical Engineer Award from the Minority Affairs Council of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Howard University’s William Spriggs Earns Honor From the NAACP

Dr. Spriggs is a professor of economics at Howard and also serves as chief economist for the AFL-CIO. He is the former assistant secretary for policy at the U.S. Department of Labor.

Isaac Crumbley to Be Honored by the Geological Society of America

Isaac J. Crumbley, associate vice president at Fort Valley State University in Georgia, will be honored for his efforts to open the geological sciences to minority students.

Ohio University Pays Tribute to Its African American President

The board of trustees of Ohio University in Athens produced a video tribute to President Roderick J. McDavis to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of his appointment as president of the university.

Three HBCU Executives Honored With Awards

The honorees are Julie D. Goodwin, general counsel at Morgan State University, William R. Harvey, president of Hampton University, and Glenda Baskin Glover, president of Tennessee State University.

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