Census Bureau Report Finds Black Americans Represent Notable Share of Older Adults Living in...

According to the report, the share of elder Black Americans over the age of 65 was significantly higher than the parallel percentages of Black American elders not living in poverty.

Diversity Among Ophthalmology Faculty Has Slowly Progressed Over the Past Fifty Years

Most notably, the study found increased racial disparities in the demographics of senior-level professorial positions. Black Americans and scholars from other racially underrepresented backgrounds were significantly more likely to hold lower-ranking faculty positions rather than tenured professorships.

Study Finds Black Americans Experience the Highest Levels of Mortality From Air Pollution

According to a new study from Stanford University, Black Americans are significantly more likely than all other racial groups in the United States to die from exposure to air pollution.

Pew Research Center Survey Reveals Registered Voters’ Opinions on Racial Diversity

A new survey from the Pew Research Center has found that while the majority of all registered voters agree racial diversity is good for American society, there is a divide between the parties on whether White Americans are unfairly advantaged over Black Americans.

Racial Differences in Victims of School Crime and Bullying

Although rates of crime and bullying in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary settings has steadily decreased over the past decade, some racial disparities were found among students' experiences with bullying and harassment.

Counties With Historical Ties to Lynching Associated With Low Economic Mobility Among Blacks

A new study has found an association between counties in the southern United States with a high incidence of historical lynchings and current poor economic opportunities for those counties' Black residents.

Black Americans More Likely to Be Depressed and Lose Sleep Following Workplace Mistreatment

The authors estimated that Black employees who were mistreated at work lose 100 minutes of sleep per night compared to White people who were or were not mistreated, as well as Black people who were not mistreated.

Doctors Significantly More Likely to Use Negative Language in Post-Visit Summaries of Black Patients

Compared to White patients, the summaries of visits with Black patients were significantly more likely to include negative adjectives, such as unkind or stupid, as well as words associated with fear or disgust, such as attack or criticize.

Study Examines Multilevel Societal Factors Contributing to Gun Violence in Black Communities

A new study led by Tameka Gillum, associate professor at the University of New Mexico, has examined the individual, relationship, community, and societal factors that contribute to gun violence in Black communities.

The Economic Gap Between Black and White Americans Born Into Low-Income Families Is Shrinking

A new study from scholars at Harvard, Cornell, and the U.S. Census Bureau has found a significantly smaller economic gap between Black and White millennials from low-income families that has not seen in prior generations.

Study Finds Social Factors Are Main Cause for High Rates of Dementia Among Black...

Latin Americans of African descent are significantly more likely to experience dementia compared to people of different ancestry. However, once results were adjusted for various social factors, the association between genetics and cognitive decline disappeared.

Heavy Policing Associated to High Rates of Suicide in Black LGBQ Community

The research team found Black queer participants living in areas with racist and heterosexist policies were more likely to experience suicidal tendencies. In contrast, White heterosexuals in the same areas were associated with reduced rates of suicidal behavior.

Living in a Disadvantaged Neighborhood May Be Responsible for Increased Levels of Prostate Cancer...

In the United States, Black men are significantly more likely than White men to be diagnosed with and die from prostate cancer. A new study has sought out to determine if living in a disadvantaged neighborhood could be responsible for this disparity.

Significant Increases in Homicides Partly Responsible for Racial Disparities in Life Expectancy During COVID-19...

From 2019 to 2020, the United States experienced a 30 percent increase in homicides - the largest one-year increase in over a century. A new study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison has found this increase was largely responsible for the widened Black-White life expectancy gap during the pandemic.

Socioeconomic Factors that Influence Black-White Achievement Gap Among Elementary Students

The report authors write, "The time to act is now. By enacting comprehensive and inclusive policies, we can narrow achievement gaps and create a more just educational landscape for the next generation."

HBCUs Have Experienced a Sharp Decline in Black Male Student Enrollment

In 1976, Black men accounted for 38 percent of all HBCU students. As of 2022, that rate has dropped to 26 percent. Furthermore, this share of Black male students is now roughly equal to the share of non-Black HBCU students.

Pharmacies in Segregated Neighborhoods Are Less Likely to Dispense Prescriptions for Opioid Use Disorders

A new study led by Johns Hopkins University has found pharmacies in historically racially and economically segregated neighborhoods are over two times as likely as those in advantaged neighborhoods to restrict prescriptions to treat opioid use disorders.

Black Patients Less Likely Than White Patients to Receive Diagnostic Imaging in the Emergency...

According to a new study, Black patients who visit the emergency room are significantly less likely to receive diagnostic testing than White patients, despite reporting the same symptoms.

Study Finds Significant Racial Disparities in Exposure to Tobacco Advertisements on TV

A new study has revealed that roughly 12 percent of American adults encounter tobacco-related marketing when watching TV traditionally or via streaming platforms. However, among Black Americans, that exposure jumps to more than 19 percent.

Harvard Study Examines How Prejudice is Learned Through Observing Behavior

Through a series of experiments in which participants observed behavior from others driven by racial stereotyping, the authors found illuminating insight into how individual prejudices can spread to others and potentially society at large.

Pew Research Center Reports on Demographic Breakdown of the American Middle Class

According to a report from Pew Research Center, Black Americans are the least likely racial group to be middle-class. Roughly 46 percent of all Black households are middle-class, compared to national rate of 52 percent among all American households and 55 percent of all White households.

Study Finds Widening Racial Diversity Gaps Between STEM and Non-STEM Fields

While the overall representation of Black faculty has barely increased over the past 20 years, a new study has found a small increase in Black faculty representation since 2016. However, this is almost entirely due to an increase among Black assistant professors in non-STEM fields.

Study Finds Black Women Shoulder the Brunt of Low Pay Occupations and Temporary Work

Overall, the median income for Black women in the United States is roughly $15,000 less than the median income for White men. Black women were found to be significantly more likely to work jobs with lower wages, less benefits, and part-time hours.

UNCF Report Highlights the Positive Impact of HBCUs on the United States Economy

According to the UNCF's analysis, HBCUs generate $16.5 billion in annual spending and create just as many jobs as a large publicly-traded American company.

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