Austin Peay State University
The new Provost will have the opportunity to join a university focused on student-centered learning, distinctive programs, and community partnerships, building upon Austin Peay’s positive momentum as a leading institution in the state.
University of Memphis
Candidates may specialize in any practice of public history, including but not limited to archival work, cultural resources management, digital history, film and media production, historic preservation, local history, museum exhibition and curation, oral history, and site interpretation.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Vice Provost and Dean provides leadership in all aspects of graduate education within the University and works with all graduate programs across campus to implement campus-level policies, activities and strategic initiatives that support the recruitment, admission, retention, academic achievement, and career placements of a diverse body of graduate and professional students.
University of Tennessee Knoxville
The University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Social Work invites applications for two associate or full professor positions for our Nashville campus in all areas of social work practice and research that advance human rights and social, racial, economic, and/or environmental justice.
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University, globally renowned for its transformative education and research, seeks an innovative leader and accomplished scholar to serve as the inaugural dean of a new College of Connected Computing, the university's first new college since 1981.
University of Tennessee
The Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, invites applications for a nine-month, tenure-line faculty position in Critical Mineral Geology.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville invites applications for a faculty position in Energy Transition Geoscience.
Vanderbilt University
These tenure-track (Assistant Professor level) faculty positions offer an excellent opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in one of two areas: 1) Structural Biology & Imaging or 2) Genetic and Omic Discovery & Health Disparities.
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