Black Students Accepted for Admission at High-Ranking Colleges and Universities
Recently, the nation’s highest-ranked colleges and universities informed applicants if they had been accepted for admission into the Class of 2021. Some of the nation’s most selective institutions provided acceptance data broken down by racial and ethnic groups.
Blacks Make Up a Disproportionate Share of Enrollments at For-Profit Postsecondary Schools
At two-year colleges and schools, Blacks are 16 percent of all students at two-year, state-operated community colleges. But Africans Americans are 22 percent of all students at two-year, for-profit colleges.
Yale Students Enlisted to Help Guide Low-Income Students Through the College Application Process
Yale University is expanding its partnership with Matriculate, a nonprofit organization that uses students at high-ranking universities to provide online college advising services to high school students from low-income families.
New Data on African American Enrollments in Higher Education
A new report from the U.S. Department of Education reports that there were 20,389,307 students enrolled in degree granting institutions in the fall of 2015. Of these, 2,606,038 were African Americans.
UCLA Report Examines Racial Segregation of Schools in the Nation’s Capital
From 1992 to 2013, the percentage of students in the public schools in Washington who were Black declined from 89 percent to 73 percent. But more than 88 percent of Black students in the District attend schools where at least 90 percent of all students are Black.
Clark Atlanta University Doubles Its Number of International Students
During the Fall 2014 semester Clark Atlanta University enrolled only 167 international students. Within two years that number has more than doubled. Some 87 percent of all foreign students at the university are from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
An Increase in the Number of Black Applicants to the University of California
The number of African Americans from California applying to the nine undergraduate campuses is up 4.8 percent from a year ago and up more than 10 percent from two years ago. The number of Black applicants from California is up at all nine undergraduate campuses this year.
Harvard University Reports a Significant Increase in Black Students Accepted Early
Among the 938 students who were accepted in the early action process this year at Harvard University, 12.6 percent are African Americans. This is up from 9.5 percent a year ago.
Elite Colleges and Universities Mount Effort to Boost Enrollments of Low-Income Students
The American Talent Initiative, funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies, hopes to expand to 270 educational institutions nationwide. It has set a goal of enrolling and graduating 50,000 students from low-income families by 2025.
University of Kansas Aims to Increase Diversity in Its Undergraduate Business Degree Programs
The Summer Venture in Business Program is a three-day, pre-college summer program that will familiarize potential business students from underrepresented groups with college academic and social life.
Two Top-Rated Liberal Arts College Report Large Number of Black Early Applicants
Of the 257 student accepted for early admission at Williams College, 27 self-identify as African American. Thus, African Americans are 10.5 percent of all early admits at Williams this year. At Wesleyan University, there was a whopping 56 percent increase in African American early applicants.
The Progress of the Ivy League in Admitting Black Students
A decade ago, there were 1,110 Black students in the entering classes at the eight Ivy League schools. In 2016, there are 1,503, a 35 percent increase. Four of the eight Ivy League schools have an entering class that is more than 11 percent Black. A decade ago, the leader stood at 9.6 percent.
Black Enrollments in Higher Education Continue to Decline
Over the past two years, African American enrollments in higher education have decreased by more than 270,000, or 6.6 percent. The Black percentage of total enrollments has dropped from 14.4 percent to 13.9 percent over the past two years.
A Healthy Increase in Black Students at U.S. Medical Schools
This year 21,020 students entered medical school for the first time. Of these, 1,771 identified themselves as Black or African American. This is an increase of nearly 27 percent from three years ago. In 2016, Blacks made up 8.4 percent of new entrants to U.S. medical schools.
Louisiana State University Reports a Record Number of African American Students
The university reports that there are 3,741 African Americans on campus this fall, an all-time high. But it must be pointed out that African Americans make up 12 percent of the student body at the university, whereas Blacks are 32.5 percent of the Louisiana population.
Study Finds Low Black Student Enrollments at Top-Tier Public Universities
The study found that just 9 percent of all Black students enrolled in higher education nationwide attended high-ranking, state-operated research universities. For Whites the figure was 19 percent.
University of Missouri Looks to Boost Black Faculty
Last fall students at the University of Missouri issued a set of demands calling for Black faculty to increase from 3 percent to 10 percent by 2018. The university has countered with a plan to raise "minority" faculty from 6.7 percent to 13.4 percent over the next four years.
More Good News on HBCU Enrollments
At Bowie State University in Maryland, 967 first-year students are on campus this fall. This is the highest number in university history. Clark Atlanta University in Georgia reports a 20 percent increase in first-year students.
More Good News on Enrollments at Historically Black Universities
Hampton University, Mississippi Valley State University, Dillard University, Alcorn State University, Kentucky State University, Bethune-Cookman University, North Carolina A&T State University, and Xavier University have all reported impressive gains in enrollments.
The Flagship Campus of Indiana University Has a Record Number of Black Students
There are 1,862 Black students on campus. But they make up only 4.3 percent of the total student body. Black enrollments at the state's flagship university are less than one half of what would be called for if racial parity were to prevail to the percentage of Blacks in the state's population.
Syracuse University to Address Its Drop in Student Enrollments From Underrepresented Groups
New data released by the university shows that there has been a significant drop in students of color from underrepresented groups. In 2015, students of color made up 28 percent of the entering class compared to 24 percent this year.
More HBCUs Reporting Enrollment Increases
Florida Memorial University in Miami Gardens reports the largest entering class in the past six years and there are more new students at Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis than at any time in the university's history. For the first, time its residence halls are at full capacity.
Medical University of South Carolina Becoming More Diverse
According to U.S. News & World Report, the Medical University of South Carolina enrolls the fifth highest number of African American students among medical schools that are not considered historically Black institutions.
Tracking African American Progress in Higher Education
A new 188-page report from the U.S. Department of Education offers a wide-ranging summary of most of the important educational statistics on enrollment, financial aid, graduation rates, degree attainments etc. as they pertain to race all in one place.
The University of Georgia Reports an Increase in Black First-Year Students
While the number of Black students in the entering class at the University of Georgia is up 10 percent from a year ago, there is still a very long way to go before racial parity with the state's Black population is achieved.
New Data on African American’s Enrollments and Degree Awards in Higher Education
The data shows that in the 2014-15 academic year, there were 3,810,300 African Americans enrolled at degree-granting institutions in the United States. They made up 13.9 percent of the total enrollments in higher education.
Major Increase in Black Admits to the University of California
The total number of Black students from California admitted to one or more undergraduate campuses of the University of California increased to 3,464 this year from 2,653 a year ago. This is a major increase of more than 30 percent.
Encouraging News on Enrollments at Virginia State University
Preliminary data for fall enrollments project a 5 percent increase in total enrollments from a year ago. The number of first-year students who have indicated their intention to enroll is up a significant 30 percent from 2015.
Shaw University in Raleigh Reports a Record Number of Applicants
Applications are up 74 percent from last year. The university also reports that at this time, the number of confirmed new students is up 145 percent from a year ago.
A Record Percentage of Black Students in Harvard’s 2016 Entering Class
Black students make up 11.4 percent of all students in the Class of 2020. This is the highest percentage of Black students in any entering class in Harvard's 380-year history.
Black Students Accepted for Admission at High-Ranking Colleges and Universities
Recently, the nation's highest-ranked colleges and universities informed applicants if they had been accepted for admission. Some of the nation's most selective institutions provided acceptance data broken down by race and ethnic group.
University of California, San Diego Launches Black Academic Excellence Initiative
The goal of the initiative is to increase the number of Black students and faculty on campus and to make the campus environment more welcoming to African Americans. The latest Education Department data shows that Blacks make up just one percent of the undergraduate student body.
African Americans Are More Than 10 Percent of Harvard’s Record Applicant Pool
A full quarter of all applicants to Harvard this year had their application fee waived due to financial hardship. Some 10.6 percent of all applicants are African Americans.
University of California Aims to Increase Black Applicant Pool
The Achieve UC program targeted 12,000 students at high schools with large underrepresented minority student bodies with programs to guide them through the admission and financial aid processes. The program is being expanded this year to target 60,000 minority students.
Yale University Reports a Sharp Rise in African American Applicants
Yale reports that over the past four years, the number of applications it has received from all U.S. high school students has increased by 5 percent. But during the same period, the number of applicants it has received from African American students is up 36 percent.
Increase in African American Applicants to the University of California
This year, 6,589 African Americans applied to one or more University of California undergraduate campuses. They make up 6.3 percent of all students who applied for places at the university. This up from 6.1 percent last year and 5.9 percent two years ago.