Record African American Enrollments at the University of Kentucky

In a state where Blacks are 8 percent of the population, African Americans make up 11 percent of this year's entering class.

The Impact of Affirmative Action Bans on the Graduate School Enrollments of Minorities

A study published by the Civil Rights Project at UCLA, finds that in states that have banned the consideration of race in graduate school admissions, enrollments of minority students are down 12 percent overall.

A Check-Up on Black First-Year Medical Students

Brown University, Florida State University, and Florida Atlantic University reveal the racial make-up of their entering medical school classes.

Applications of Africans to U.S. Colleges and Universities Were Down 3 Percent in 2012

The Council of Graduate Students reports that overall applications from foreign students increased 9 percent compared to a year ago but applications from Africa were down 3 percent.

Study Shows the Importance of Race in Law School Admissions

The authors of the study concluded that "exposure to a diversity of viewpoints prepares the students to be better lawyers, making them more 'culturally competent.'"

Black Immigrant Students in American Higher Education

Of all Black undergraduate students enrolled in American higher education, 10 percent were immigrants to this country.

More Than 4.2 Million Blacks Enrolled in U.S. Higher Education Programs

During the 2010-11 academic year, there were 29.5 million students enrolled at Title IV institutions. Of these, 4,217,140, or 14.3 percent, were Black.

Cornell University Debuts A New Diversity Website

The new website includes a discussion on the history of diversity efforts, provides demographic statistics on students and faculty, and listings of where to go for help or additional information.

Black Enrollments Decline at the University of South Florida

In the fall of 2011, Blacks made up 10.5 percent of the entering class, down from 16 percent a decade ago. Blacks were nearly 14 percent of the total enrollments five years ago. The latest figure was 10.8 percent.

Students Protest Low Number of Black Enrollments at UCLA

This spring, 9,263 students from California were admitted to UCLA. Of this group, 3.8 percent are African Americans.

Indiana Eliminates Higher Education Grants for Prison Inmates

Ball State University has been offering educational programs to more than 1,000 prison inmates but state budget cuts are gutting the program.

The Changing Demographics of the Student Body of the City University of New York

Since 2001, the percentage of Black students in the entering classes at the five most prestigious campuses of the City University of New York has decreased from 17 percent to 10 percent.

African Americans Make Up Less Than Two Percent of All Applicants to Princeton’s Graduate...

Of the more than 12,000 applicants to Princeton's graduate programs, only 236 were African Americans.

Black Admits Increase Slightly at the University of California

But the number of Black students admitted to Berkeley and UCLA has declined from a year ago.

An Educational Success Story of African American Male Students in Chicago

For the third year in a row, all graduating seniors at Urban Prep Academies in Chicago have been accepted into four-year colleges.

Racial Equality in Initial College Enrollment Rates

About two thirds of all Black and White high school graduates in 2011 had enrolled in college by October 2011. For those not enrolled in college, Blacks had a very high unemployment rate of more than 53 percent.

Tufts University Makes a Concerted Effort to Recruit Students From Africa

Tufts accepted 21 students from 13 different African countries for admission into its Class of 2016. Six accepted students are from Ghana.

Mississippi’s HBCUs Handed a New Recruiting Tool

The state legislature recently passed a bill that would allow public universities in the state to seek a waiver allowing them to offer in-state tuition rates to some students from other states.

In 2010 There Were Nearly 3 Million Black Students Enrolled in Higher Education

Blacks were 13.4 percent of all students enrolled in institutions eligible to participate in federal student financial aid programs.

Black and Minority Students Are Being Squeezed Out of Community Colleges

A new report states, "Hundreds of thousands of prospective students are knocking on the doors of community colleges and are being denied access because the colleges have insufficient capacity to serve them."

Large Numbers of Black Applicants Accepted at Top-Rated Schools

More than 10 percent of accepted students at Harvard University and nearly 14 percent at Williams College, are African Americans.

African Americans Making Significant Progress in Graduate Nursing Programs

While the percentage of Blacks in entry-level nursing programs has declined in recent years, Black enrollments in graduate-level nursing programs has surged.

Davidson College Issues Statement Reaffirming Its Commitment to Diversity

Davidson College, the highly rated liberal arts college in Davidson, North Carolina, has issued a statement reaffirming the college's commitment to promoting diversity in its student body, faculty, and staff.

A Wide Range of Black Enrollments at CalState University Campuses

There are more than 21,000 African American students enrolled at the 23 campuses of California State University. They make up 5 percent of the total enrollments.

Where Do College Students Stand on the Issue of Affirmative Action?

With the Supreme Court agreeing to hear a case on the race-sensitive admissions program at the University of Texas, it appears that there is a wide variety of opinions on the subject among college students.

Cornell University Outlines a New Agenda on Diversity

President David Skorton is mounting a concerted effort to increase diversity among students, staff, and faculty and to create better opportunities for veterans and the disabled.

The University of Phoenix Is a Pillar of African American Higher Education

Blacks make up 17.7 percent of undergraduate students, 22 percent of graduate students, and 18.6 percent of the faculty.

New Princeton University Committee Aims to Identify Ways to Enhance Diversity

The committee will develop recommendations for strategies to attract people of color and women to positions in which they have historically been underrepresented.

Kentucky Community Colleges Going to Church to Recruit Minority Students

On February 12, pastors will discuss the importance of higher education and information will be available to church members about the 16 colleges that make up the system.

Purdue Reports a Shrinking Racial Gap in Retention Rates

In the past five years the racial gap has shrunk from 11 percentage points to almost nothing.

Improving the Black Student Graduation Rate at the University of Arkansas

More than 300 first-generation college students at the University of Arkansas are enrolled in a program where they receive academic, personal, career, and financial advice.

Middlebury College Adds a Second Posse of Low-Income Students

Since 1998 Middlebury College in Vermont has been admitting and offering full-tuition scholarships to a posse of students from New York City high schools. The college is now adding a second posse from Chicago public schools.

A Surge of Black Applicants at the University of California

The 5,692 Black applicants represent a 17.5 percent increase from a year ago.

The College Enrollment Rates of the Children of Native-Born and Immigrant Black Families

Children in Black families who immigrated to the United States are more likely to enroll in selective colleges than the children of White and native-born Black families.

Proposed Legislation Would Require D.C. High School Students to Take the SAT or ACT

They would also have to fill out an application to a college or trade school in order to graduate from high school.

Scholar Asserts That Low Levels of Education Funding Are Causing an African Brain Drain

Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, director of economic affairs for the African Union Commission, states that prompt action is necessary to stem the tide.

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