Racial Incidents at the University of Massachusetts

Racist messages were scrawled on dormitory room doors at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a Black student said she was confronted by a White male who shouted "White Power!" at her and her friends.

Racial Slur Written on a Birthday Cake at the University of Maryland

A birthday cake was presented to a member of the Delta Gama sorority at the University of Maryland. Written on the stand supporting the cake was a racial slur. Photographs of the cake were posted on Instagram.

Dixie State University Returns Controversial Statue of Conferderate Soldiers to Artist

Dixie State University in St. George, Utah, has returned a statue depicting two Confederate soldiers, a Confederate flag, and a horse to the original artist.

Racist Graffiti on the Campus of The Lincoln University

A vandal or vandals spray-painted a racial slur on a sign at the entrance to The Lincoln University, a historically Black educational institution in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Student Expelled From a Sorority at the University of Alabama for Using Racial Slur

The Chi Omega sorority at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa has expelled a member who used a racial slur in the caption of a photograph on Snapchat.

Video Shows University of Oklahoma Students Singing Racist Song

A video surfaced that reportedly showed members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the University of Oklahoma singing a racist song.

Students Appeared in KKK Uniforms at Wheaton College

Football players at Wheaton College in Illinois participating in an off-season team-building event, presented a skit that had team members dressed up in Ku Klux Klan uniforms and carrying Confederate flags.

Black Students Called “Apes” During a Protest March at the University of Washington

One Black student said he heard several racial slurs as he marched past the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house. The chapter president of the fraternity claimed the remarks were not made by members of the fraternity.

Black Students Issue Set of Demands to Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley

The Black students want the university to place greater emphasis on campus diversity and to hire psychologists and advisers to help Black students cope with campus life.

Racist Comments on Social Media Attributed to American University Students

Racist comments were allegedly made by students at American University in Washington, D.C., on the social media app Yik Yak.

Racism Rears Its Ugly Head at Duke University

A racist chant recently appeared on a video of SAE fraternity members at the University of Oklahoma. Now a Duke University student says she was subjected to the same song as she walked across campus. Then a noose was found hanging from a tree on the Duke campus.

Racist Graffiti Found on the Campus of Connecticut College

Racist graffiti was found in the first floor bathrooms of the Crozier-Williams building on the campus of Connecticut College in New London.

Bucknell University Expels Three Students for Racist Comments

Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, has expelled three students who were said to have made racist comments on a local radio broadcast.

Racist Drawings Found on the Campus of SUNY-Purchase

Drawings of swastikas and nooses were found drawn on the walls of three residence halls at the State University of New York campus in Purchase. Blacks make up 8 percent of the undergraduate student body at the college.

Racial Incident at the University of South Carolina

In a photograph distributed widely on the internet, a student at the University of South Carolina is seen writing a list of "Reasons Why USC WiFi Blows." At the top of the list was a racial slur.

Two White Faculty Members Sue Alabama State University

The suit alleges that faculty search committees have been told to only consider Black applicants and that "only Black professors should teach Black students."

Racial Slurs Written on Residence Hall Bulletin Board at Miami University in Ohio

The offensive writings, admitted to by two first-year male students, included anti-Semitic, anti-women, homophobic, and racial slurs.

Incoming Boston University Scholar’s Tweets on Race Create Controversy

Saida Grundy has been hired as an assistant professor of sociology and African American studies at Boston University. But her comments on Twitter about White males have angered some in the BU community.

Three Racial Discrimination Suits Filed Against North Carolina Central University

One White faculty member says he was fired because of his race and a Latina faculty member says she was passed over for promotion and paid significantly less than Black faculty with lesser qualifications.

Lawsuit Claims Black Women Basketball Players Were Placed in a Racially Hostile Environment

Seven former women's basketball players at the University of Illinois have filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the head coach and the assistant coach created a racially hostile environment for African American players.

Hate Crimes on College Campuses Up Slightly

In 2012 there were 791 reported hate crimes on college and university campuses in the United States. Of the 791 reported hate crimes, 355, or 44.8 percent, were motivated by race.

Racial Hate in Public Schools Appears to Be on the Decline

New data from the U.S. Department of Education shows that large numbers of Black students are still subjected to hate speech and hate-related graffiti at schools. But a far lower percentage of Black students were exposed in 2013 than was in the case in 2005.

Racial Incident on the Campus of Emporia State University in Kansas

A Black couple, who were both employees of the university, allege that they have been subjected to a racially hostile work environment after filing a complaint when they had found a racial slur directed at them in a university office.

Racial Incidents at Bucknell University and Georgia Tech

A racist message was written on the door of a faculty member at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and a Black woman student alleges that she was subjected to racial slurs by three members of a fraternity at Georgia Tech.

Blackface Incident at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington

Five members of the women's soccer team at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, were suspended after photographs of them in blackface were posted on social media. The White soccer players were in costume as the Jackson 5.

Newspaper Article Produces Turmoil on the Wesleyan University Campus

An op-ed piece on the Black Lives Matter movement in the student newspaper produced protests and calls for the student government to stop funding the paper.

Students Wear Blackface at UCLA Party

The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and the Alpha Phi sorority at the University of California, Los Angeles held a "Kanye Western" party. Some White students wore baggy pants and used blackface.

University of Missouri Announces Required Diversity Training After Racist Incidents

After two racial incidents on campus, the university's chancellor called for an end to hate and announced mandatory training for faculty, staff, and all incoming students.

Student Newspaper Editors Apologize for Printing “Offensive” Illustration

The student newspaper at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh printed an illustration on its front page depicting s stereotypical portrayal of a Black student.

Women Claim They Were Excluded From a Yale Party Due to the Color of...

The women students said that a guard at the door to the fraternity house told them, "We're only looking for White girls."

Former Faculty Member at Harris-Stowe State University Wins Discrimination Lawsuit

A White woman, who is a former instructor at Harris-Stowe State University, a historically Black educational institution in St. Louis, was awarded $4,850,000 from a jury in a circuit court racial discrimination case.

After Black Student Protests, President of the University of Missouri System Resigns

After a Black student went on a hunger strike and the University of Missouri football team refused to practice or play to protest a lack of inaction on several racial incidents, the system president and the Columbia campus chancellor resigned.

The Aftermath of a Historic Week at the University of Missouri

Black students emboldened by their success in forcing the resignation of system president Tim Wolfe, pressed on with demands. The university hired a diversity officer and announced other initiatives. But tensions remained high after threats against Black students were made on social media.

After Campus Protests, a Backlash of Racist Incidents Occur on College Campuses

It comes as no surprise that in the aftermath of campus protests on issues dealing with race, there has been a backlash, with several race-related incidents occurring on campuses across the nation.

University of Kansas Faculty Member Placed on Leave After Allegedly Using Racial Slur in...

In a letter to the campus community, students in the class stated that the assistant professor said, “As a White woman I just never have seen the racism…It’s not like I see ‘Nigger’ spray painted on walls.”

Black Student at Lewis & Clark College Says He Was Beaten by Whites Yelling...

The attack on the Lewis & Clark campus in Portland, Oregon, came days after several racist statements threatening Black students appeared on the social media app Yik-Yak. One post stated, "I just want to hang you ignorant Black people."

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