UCLA Reports Examines Racial Diversity in Hollywood

The report found that films with casts made up of 21 to 30 percent minority actors enjoyed the highest median global box office ticket sales and the highest median return on investment. Films with the most racially homogenous casts were the poorest financial performers.

New Report Examines the Persisting Racial Wealth Gap Among U.S. Households

A new report from the Center for American Progress finds that in 2016 the median wealth of Black households led by a person who was at least 25 years old was $13,460. For similar White households the median wealth was $142,180.

The Racial Gap in High School Completion and Dropout Rates

A new report from the U.S. Department of Education finds that in 2014 7.4 percent of all Blacks ages 16 through 24 were not enrolled in school and did not have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate. For Whites the figure was 5.2 percent.

Academic Study Finds a Large Racial Gap in Trust of Public Water Supplies

The study, led by an assistant professor at Penn State, found that only 38 percent of Black adults drank tap water daily compared to 61 percent of White adults. Also, 46 percent of Black adults consumed bottle water every day compared to 26 percent of White adults.

Study Finds That Police Are More Likely to Use Force Against Higher Income Black...

The study showed that for Black men, the lower their income the more likely they were to be the subject of police force. But just the opposite was true for Black women.

Race Determined to Be a Major Factor for Employment of Breast Cancer Survivors

In a study conducted at Washington University in St. Louis, the data showed that African-American patients were four times more likely to leave the workforce despite fighting a cancer with high survival rates than was the case for White patients of the same age.

On Foreign Language AP Tests, the Racial Scoring Gap Is Small

For all Advanced Placement tests combined in 2017, the average score for Blacks was 2.03, compared to the average White score of 3.02. But Black students do better in relationship to Whites on some AP tests, particular foreign language tests.

Academic Study Finds That Hip-Hop Music Encourages Black Youth to Try Ecstasy

The study notes that lyrics in popular Hip-Hop music glorify the use of the drug. The authors interviewed a group of ecstasy users and found that 82 percent said that Hip-Hop music had influenced their decision to use the drug.

MIT Scholar Finds Racial Bias in Commercial Facial Analysis Programs

The study found that commercially available face analysis programs had a very low error rate when determining the gender of light-skinned men. For women who had the darkest skin, the systems failed to accurately determine their gender nearly half the time.

New Research Verifies Glass Was Manufactured in Africa Before the Arrival of Europeans

Abidemi Babatunde Babalola, a visiting fellow at Harvard University with a Ph.D. in anthropology from Rice University in Houston, finds that that glass was being produced in sub-Saharan Africa as early as the 11th century, well before the arrival of Europeans.

Study by Ohio State University Economists Shows Black Politicians Matter

A new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by Trevon Logan, a professor of economics at Ohio State University, finds that when Blacks hold political power their economic status rises. But when they lose political power, their economic fortunes dwindle.

Confronting the Problem of Teachers’ Low Expectations for Black Students

The results showed that mathematics teachers had lower expectations for children from underrepresented groups and for White girls. And the students who were not expected to do well by their teachers did not fare well academically.

The Racial Gap in Advancement Placement Test Scores

The average score on Advanced Placement examinations for African American students in 2017 was 2.03. On the AP scoring system of 5 to 1, a score of 2 is equivalent to a grade of D in a college-level course. For White students the average score on all AP tests was 3.02, roughly equivalent to a letter grade of C.

Will Eliminating Hunger Boost Academic Performance of African American College Students?

A new study is being conducted by the University of Houston to see if a program that will provide food to Black and Latino/a students at Houston Community College will result in better academic performance and increase retention rates.

The Large Racial Gap in Medical School Faculty

Data from the Association of American Medical Colleges show that in 2016 there were 5,075 Black or African American faculty at U.S. medical schools. They made up just 3 percent of all faculty members at medical schools. Blacks made up just 1.6 percent of all full professors at U.S. medical schools in 2016.

Number of Hate Groups Has Stalled While Hate Incidents Have Increased

A new analysis by David Cunningham, a professor of sociology at Washington University in St. Louis, finds that the growth of hate groups in the United States has slowed since the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. However, the number of hate incidents has increased.

The College Graduation Rates of African American Student Athletes

According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, 59 percent of Black students entering college in 2010 on athletic scholarships at a group of the nation's largest universities earned their diplomas within six years. This is 13 percentage points higher than the rate for Black students as a whole at these universities.

Blacks in STEM Jobs Report High Levels of Workplace Discrimination

A new report from the Pew Research Center finds that 62 percent of Blacks who hold jobs in STEM fields say that they have faced discrimination in the workplace. In non-STEM jobs, 50 percent of Black workers reported that they had experienced discrimination at work.

New Report Examines the Racial Gap in Degree Attainments in the United States

According to a new report from the Department of Education, during the 2015-16 academic year, African Americans earned 570,354 degrees and certificates at degree-granting institutions in the United States. This was 11.7 percent of all awards.

The Nationwide Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates

The Black student college graduation rate of 46 percent was 23 percentage points lower than the rate for Whites and 31 percentage points below the rate for Asian Americans. The Black student graduation rate trailed the rates for Hispanics by 14 percentage points.

African Immigrants Give a Huge Boost to the American Economy

Some 40 percent of sub-Sharan African immigrants are college educated. This is a higher percentage than the White adult population of the United States. A third of African immigrants with a college education have a degree in a STEM field.

Report Finds Persisting Racial Discrimination in the Car-Buying Process

A new report from the National Fair Housing Alliance finds that on average, non-White car buyers would have paid $2,662.56 more over the life of the financing period than White car buyers who were less qualified for car loans.

University Study Examines the Racial Gap in Hollywood Director’s Chairs

The data shows that of 100 top grossing films each year during the 2007-to-2017 period, only 64 were directed by African Americans. And only four of those were directed by Black women.

Does a College Education Lead to Future Long-Term Health Problems for Some Blacks?

College graduates enjoy healthier, longer lives compared with individuals who do not graduate from college. But a new study finds that the health benefit of educational attainment is not as great for Blacks as it is for Whites.

New Education Department Data on Black Enrollments in Higher Education

The data shows that there were 2,514,568 Black or African American students enrolled in Title IV institutions in the fall of 2016. They made up 12.4 percent of all students enrolled in higher education. Blacks made up 11 percent of all students enrolled in graduate education.

Study Finds Widespread Discrimination Against Older Black Adults With Chronic Disease

A new study finds that one of five elderly patients with chronic disease reported that they had experienced discrimination by health care providers. Blacks reported higher rates of discrimination but the racial gap has narrowed.

Ohio State University Researchers Develop Plan to Help Area Youth of Color

Researchers developed an index to understand youth vulnerability in the areas of education, economics, health and safety to see where the most vulnerable neighborhoods were and who was living in them. The study also looked at where to find help.

Study Shows Strong Racial Identity Improves Academic Performance of Young Black Women

A new study led by Sheretta Butler-Barnes, an assistant professor of social work at Washington University in St. Louis, finds that young African American women with strong racial identity are more likely to be academically curious and persistent in school.

The Gender Gap in African American Educational Attainment

Black women now hold a lead over Black men at all degree levels. Black women now hold huge leads in master's and professional degree attainments. In recent years, Black women have also taken the lead in doctoral degrees.

Study Finds a Program in Racial Pride Can Enhance the Academic Success of African...

A new study led by Janine M. Jones, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Washington, finds that African American girls who participate in an after-school program designed to enhance racial identity and pride can experience a positive impact on their academic success.

A Checkup on African American Students Entering U.S. Medical Schools

This year 21,338 students entered medical school for the first time. Of these, 1,775 identified themselves as Black or African American. Thus, Blacks made up 8.3 percent of new entrants to U.S. medical schools.

The Racial Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States

African Americans are showing steady progress in degree attainments at all levels. However, significant racial gaps persist at every level of education. Some 38 percent of non-Hispanic White adults hold a college degree compared to 24 percent of African American adults.

Differences Between White and Black Women in Perceived Gender Discrimination

Half of Black women reported that they had experienced gender discrimination in salary or job promotions. Some 40 percent of Black women said they were subjected to gender discrimination during the job hiring practice.

Adverse Health Effects Trickle Down to the Partners of Victims of Discrimination

Researchers found that victims of discrimination had poorer health, were more likely to be depressed, and more likely to experience strains in their relationship. The study also found the partners of victims or discrimination also experienced negative health consequences.

The Economic and Educational Status of African Immigrants in the United States

Black women who have immigrated from Africa now earn more on average that Black and White women who were born in the United States. Black immigrant men from Africa have not fared as well, despite the fact that more than half of them are college graduates.

Scholars From Sub-Saharan African Nations Teaching in the United States

Nigeria sent 462 scholars to teach in the U.S., more than any other sub-Saharan African nation. The number of Nigerian scholars teaching in the U.S. was up 17 percent from the previous year.

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