The Historically Black Collges and Universities Awarding the Most Bachelor’s Degrees

North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro awarded 1,662 bachelor's degrees, the most of any HBCU. This is not surprising since North Carolina A&T State University has the largest number of undergraduate students among HBCUs.

How the Racial Digital Divide Impacts Online Education During the Pandemic

A new Census survey finds that only 61.6 percent of Black households with children in K-12 education said they had the technology to allow children to do their online schoolwork at all times.  For White households, nearly 73 percent had total access to the online education offered for their children.

NAACP Conducts Survey of African American Views on the COVID-19 Crisis

The NAACP, in partnership with the African American Research Collaborative and the Equity Research and Innovation Center at the Yale School of Medicine, conducted a survey on how African Americans are responding to the novel Coronavirus pandemic.

Several Private HBCUs Have the Highest Average Student Loan Debt in the Nation

A new study by Student Loan Hero finds that students at historically Black colleges and universities tend to be among the students who accumulate the most debt. Four HBCUs were among the top 10 schools where parents take on the most PLUS loan debt, and eight were in the top 50.

New Survey Finds Racial Differences in Outlooks as a Result of the Pandemic

A new survey by Civis Analytics, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation finds that 43 percent of White parents of high school students report that their children's plans for higher education have changed due to the pandemic, compared to 59 percent of Black parents.

Do College Graduates Think Their Alma Maters Adequately Investigate Discrimination?

A new poll conducted by the Gallup organization found that only 19 percent of African American college graduates strongly agreed with the statement: "If I had raised an issue about discrimination on campus, I am confident my college or university would have fully investigated it."

New Report Documents Decreasing College Opportunities for Low-Income Americans

A new report from the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education and the University of Pennsylvania’s Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy, shows how the pandemic will adversely affect the higher education opportunities of Americans from low-income families.

STEM Career Aspirations of Black Adolescents Trail Those of Young Whites

Some 18 percent of White teens planned to pursue a career in STEM fields. Only 12 percent of young African Americans believed they would go on to a career in STEM fields. But a slightly higher percentage of Black youth said they aspired to a career in health care than was the case for White teenagers.

Some Progress Is Being Made in Racial Diversity in College Sports Administration

The Racial and Ethnic Report Card for College Sport gave a grade of B for racial diversity in college sports programs. This was up from a C+ two years ago. For the first time in history, two African Americans were named commissioners of major athletic conferences.

Grant Proposals Made by Black Researchers to the NIH Receive Lower Initial Evaluations From...

Previous research has found that only 16 percent of applications for National Institutes of Health grants by Black researchers are approved compared to 29 percent of projects led by White scholars. The current study led by researchers at the University of Washington explains the racial gap.

Increasing Access and Retention for STEM Scholars From Underrepresented Groups

A new report from the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities examines best practices for increasing access to, retention in, and progress to the professoriate for STEM faculty aspirants from underrepresented groups.

New Study Finds a Huge Racial Wealth Gap for Families With Children

A new study finds that the historical 10-to-1 racial wealth gap is even larger for families with children, the families that eventually will have to pay for college. In 2016, the new study found that Black households with children had only one penny of wealth for every dollar held by their White counterparts.

Survey Reveals That Many Black Economists Feel They Are Not Welcome in the Profession

More than one quarter of Black economists in academia believe they have been discriminated against in promotion decisions.

A Racial Gap in Promotion to Principal Positions in K-12 Education

Black assistant principals are systematically delayed and denied promotion to principal, compared to their White counterparts, despite having equivalent qualifications and more experience on average, according to a new study from the American Educational Research Association.

Urban Institute Report Finds Persisting Underrepresentation of Blacks at Selective Colleges

The report from the Center on Education Data and Policy of the Urban Institute finds that Black representation at nonselective and selective colleges is representative of schools’ pool of potential students, but Black students have been, and continue to be, severely underrepresented at more selective colleges.

New Reports Shows How the University of Missouri Responded to the 2015 Campus Upheaval

The American Council on Education recently released a report documenting the steps the University of Missouri has taken over the past five years to address the problems that led to the widespread campus protests in 2015. While progress has been made, the report notes that there is work that still needs to be done.

Survey Shows Widespread Racial Disparities in All Forms of Discrimination and Mistreatment

More than two thirds of African Americans say they know someone who has been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened or abused by the police, and 43 percent say they personally have had this experience. Some 22 percent of African Americans report that they have been mistreated by police in the past year alone.

Stanford Scholar Finds a Huge Shortfall in Black Authors and Editors in Psychological Research

A new study led by Steven O. Roberts, an assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University, finds that prominent psychological publications that highlight race are rare, and when race is discussed, it is authored mostly and edited almost entirely by White scholars.

Black Homeowners Face Higher Property Taxes Than Their White Peers

Black-owned homes were assessed at higher values compared to their actual sale price, than was the cases for homes owned by Whites. The data also showed that Black families paid on average 13 percent more in property taxes than White families with similarly valued properties.

Study Finds Few References to Black Biologists in Leading Textbooks in the Field

The researchers from Auburn University, the University of South Alabama, and Michigan State University found that while Blacks are 14 percent of the U.S. population and 7.7. percent of the college students in biology, Blacks were only 0.6 percent of the scientists featured in biology textbooks.

Texas A&M University Study Documents Race as a Major Factor in Police Use of...

The study found that White police officers are far more likely to use force than their non-White counterparts, especially in minority neighborhoods. White officers are five times as likely as non-White officers to fire a gun in predominantly Black neighborhoods, according to the study.

Eliminating the Racial Gap in Educational Readiness in Preschool Children

The Rutgers University study found that by the time they enter kindergarten, Black children are on average nearly nine months behind in math and almost seven months behind in reading compared to their White non-Hispanic peers.

Study Led by Scholar at the University of Georgia Finds Racial Gap in Patent...

The researchers examined more than 4 million patent applications that were filed between 2000 and 2015. Using data analysis to determine the probability of inventors' names being from a particular racial or ethnic group, the researchers determined that inventors from underrepresented groups were less likely to be approved.

New Federal Reserve Bank of New York Study Examines Student Debt by Race

The researchers identified zip codes that are majority Black, majority White, and majority Hispanic. They then examined college enrollment rates of the population in those zip codes as well as student debt levels, and default rates on student loans.

Hate Speech and Racial Graffiti Drops Significantly in the Nation’s Schools

In 2017, 7.4 percent of Black students reported being abused by hate-related words in school. In 1999, the figure was 16.6 percent. In 2017, 24.8 percent of Black students said they had seen race-related graffiti at school, compared to 38 percent in 1999.

How a Death in the Family Impacts Black Students’ Path to Higher Education

Black adolescents and young adults were about 2-3 times more likely to have lived through the death of a close family member than White participants. Young adults, who were college-aged when a sibling or parent died, were about half as likely to graduate from college.

Study Finds That Prospective Teachers Perceive Black Children as Angry When They Are Not

Participants in the study were 1.36 times more likely to exhibit racialized anger bias against Black children than against White children, meaning that they were that much more likely to incorrectly view a Black child as angry when the child was not actually making an angry facial expression.

Parents Say They Want School Integration But Their Actions Produce Greater Racial Segregation

A new study finds that a large percentage of parents express support for greater school integration. But the bad news is that when parents have more control over where to send their children to school, their choices make schools more segregated. 

College Students’ Negative Stereotypes About Black Men Persist Based on What They’re Wearing

In an experiment, college students were asked to look at photos of Black male student-athletes in different styles of clothing. Participants judged the models to be more hardworking and more intelligent when they were wearing formal attire than when they wore sweatpants or athletic clothing.

Persisting Racial Shortfall in Black Students at Selective State Colleges and Universities

Each of the 101 selective public colleges and universities was given a grade relating to the ratio of Black enrollments compared to the percentage of Blacks in the adult population of the state. More than three quarters of these institutions received a grade of F.

University Study Finding Persisting Racial Bias by Ridesharing Drivers

A new study, by researchers at Indiana University and American University, shows that biases against underrepresented groups continued to exist after drivers accepted a ride request -- when the rider's picture would then be displayed. This resulted in higher cancellation rates compared to White riders.

UNCF Survey Shows How COVID-19 Impacts Students at Private HBCUs

The United Negro College Fund has released the results of its Pulse Survey of students at member institutions. The survey found that 8 percent of the respondents said they would not return to school if all instruction was online. Another 16 percent said they would be unlikely to return if there was only online instruction.

What Happens to African American College Graduates After They Get Their Degree?

Blacks are more likely than Whites to apply to and enroll in postbaccalaureate degree or certificate programs. More than 84 percent of Black students took out loans to pay for their postbaccalaureate programs compared to 59.5 percent of Whites.

Researchers Label North Carolina’s Eugenic Sterilization Program as Genocide

The paper found that North Carolina's eugenic sterilization was apparently tailored to asymptotically breeding-out the offspring of a presumably genetically unfit and undesirable surplus Black population. Sterilizations were aimed at reducing the future Black population - "genocide by any other name," the authors state.

Study Finds That Neighborhoods Around North Carolina’s HBCUs Are Healthy Food Deserts

The study, led by Helene Vilme of the School of Medicine of Duke University, found that overall, 332 stores within a 15-minute drive of the campuses were classified as “favorable” for selling healthy food and drink options, compared to 1,082 stores that were classified as “unfavorable.”

Racial Differences in Parent Involvement in K-12 School Activities

A new study from the U.S. Department of Education finds that parents of White students on average attended 7.8 activities at their child's school. Parents of Black students attended an average of 5.3 events.

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