Study Finds Scientists With African Names are Less Likely to Be Featured in News...

The study found scientists with African-sounding names are 15 percent less likely to be quoted by news outlets than their peers with Anglo-sounding names.

Report Uncovers Significant Gender Pay Gap Among Women of Color MBA Graduates

Earning an MBA is associated with a large increase in compensation for all populations. However, this financial boost is not enough to mitigate the gender pay gap, which widens after MBA graduation, particularly for women of color.

Report Reveals Black Students Significantly More Likely to Drop Out of Postsecondary Education

In analyzing data of postsecondary education among students who were in ninth-grade in 2009, the study found Black students were significantly less likely than their White peers to enroll in and complete all levels of postsecondary education.

Study Finds Majority of Black Women Are Unaware of the Link Between Alcohol Use...

Only a quarter of all American women are aware of the link between alcohol use and breast cancer. Among this small subset, Black women were less likely than White women to be aware of the risk factor.

Report Uncovers Gender and Racial Inequities in Professional Educational Measurement Field

In both academia and professional industry settings, the field of educational measurement has disparities in racial and gender employment equity. Women of color are more likely to have lower salaries, less prestigious job titles, and experience workplace exclusion and discrimination.

Study Discovers Link Between Midlife Exposure to Racism and Risk of Dementia

Scholars at the University of Georgia, the University of Iowa, and Wake Forest University, have found an increased exposure to racial discrimination during midlife results in an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease and dementia later in life.

UCLA Study Reveals Black Americans are More Likely to Die from “Deaths of Despair”...

Deaths among Black Americans that are related to mental-health concerns, such as drug and alcohol abuse or suicide, have tripled over the past decade. Although White Americans deaths of despair mortality rate was double that of Black Americans in 2013, African Americans are now more likely to experience a mental-health related death than their White peers.

Study Uncovers Racial Disparities in Postpartum Depression Treatment

Although there were no disparities found in the diagnosis of perinatal mood and anxiety disorder among postpartum mothers, White women were significantly more likely to receive mental health treatment than Black women and women from other racial groups.

Federal Report Uncovers Lack of Faculty Diversity and Delay in Federal Discrimination Complaint Processing

In addition to a lack of diversity in higher education faculty, the report revealed a frequent delay by the Department of Education when referring discrimination complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Lingering Mistrust From Tuskegee Syphilis Study Connected to COVID-19 Vaccine Reluctance

African Americans who lived within 750 miles of Tuskegee, Alabama, were more reluctant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine than their White neighbors, as well as Black Americans from other United States regions. The authors attribute this finding to lingering mistrust of public health services as a result of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study which ran from the 1930s to 1972.

Study Finds African Americans Own a Significant Portion of Uninsured U.S. Homes

Of the approximately six million uninsured homes in America, 11 percent are owned by African Americans, resulting in roughly $206 billion in uninsured Black-owned property value.

Study Finds Link Between Black Men’s High Rate of Suicide and Early-Childhood Exposure to...

Upon surveying 500 rural Black men over several years, the University of Georgia study found men who reported experiencing racial discrimination as a child had more difficulty developing healthy relationships, and subsequently were more likely to experience suicidal ideation.

Research Finds Black Men Less Likely Than Black Women and White Patients to Receive...

A new study from the Indiana University School of Medicine has found that despite having the highest risk for heart failure, Black men on the heart transplant wait-list are less likely than White men, White women, and Black women to receive a transplant.

Despite Equal Preparedness, Black Students Less Likely Than White Peers to Enroll in AP...

By using a novel statistical measurement of academic-preparedness, researchers from New York University have discovered Black students are less likely to enroll in AP math courses than their White peers who have a similar level of academic-preparedness.

Research Finds African Americans With Strong Social Network Less Likely to Experience Cognitive Decline

A new study from scholars at Case Western Reserve University and the University of California, Irvine has found a friend-focused social network is connected to higher cognitive ability in older Black Americans.

Study Links Historic Racial Discrimination in Property Ownership to Increased Heat Exposure

The authors write, "Extreme heat exposure during heat waves can be life threatening, and here we show that the policies of the past like racial covenants, in addition to redlining, shape whose lives are threatened by dangerous heat and who is protected from this health impact."

Report Finds Strong Aptitude But Low Interest for STEM Careers Among Black Students

Educational technology company, YouScience, in partnership with the nonprofit organization, Black Girls Do STEM, have released a report that found despite Black students showing a strong aptitude for STEM fields, they have little interest in pursuing a career in STEM.

Institute of Education Sciences Releases Report on Rates of Bullying Among American Students

The report found that 19.2 percent of students in 2022 experienced bullying in school. The rate of bullying among Black students was less than the rate of White students at 17 percent and 21.6 percent respectively.

Research Uncovers Link Between Untreated Depression and Cognitive Decline Among African Americans

While the study led by researchers at Mayo Clinic uncovered an association with depression and cognitive decline among all study participants, the rate of cognitive decline was faster in Black people compared to White people.

Study Finds Racist Patterns Among Commonly Used Artificial Intelligence Tools

The research found artificial intelligence language models such as ChatGPT can hold racist views towards speakers of African American Vernacular English, describing speakers of the dialect as less employable and more likely to be criminals.

University of Maryland Reports on Its Historic Ties to Slavery

"This new research report is an important first step in confronting and disrupting the narrative of our shared history. It challenges us to see through the privileged half-truths we’ve long held as a university and to create a more inclusive and truthful documented history," said Lae’l Hughes-Watkins, co-chair of The 1856 Project.

Gallup Survey Finds Black Students More Likely Than Their White Peers to Withdraw From...

A 2023 survey conducted by Gallup in partnership with the Lumina Foundation has found that 40 percent of currently enrolled Black students have considered stopping their coursework in the past six months, compared to 31 percent of White students.

National Urban League Publishes 2024 “State of Black America” Equity Index Report

Six decades after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the report identifies American sectors where inequality persists, areas of progress, and the actions President Biden has taken to advance racial equality in America.

White People More Likely to Stand Up to Racism on Social Media When Setting...

A new study from the University of Illinois and the University of California, Santa Barbara found that White people were more likely to confront racism on social media if their goal was to set social norms rather than change the author's personal beliefs.

Research Finds Black Entrepreneurs More Likely to Share Ideas with Expert Strangers Than Friends...

New research from Duke University and the University of Utah has found Black people are less likely than White people to share their business ideas with friends, and are more likely to share their ideas with expert strangers.

Report Reveals Half of American Health Care Workers Have Observed Racism Towards Patients

New research has found that 47 percent of healthcare workers in the United States have observed racism against patients, and 52 percent believe racism to be a major problem in the medical field.

Report Established by State Senator Art Haywood Uncovers Racism in the Pennsylvania State System...

"Ultimately, Pennsylvania's leaders and institutions should respect the dignity of all students," says Senator Art Haywood. "The work to ensure that dignity is intact for Pennsylvania's Students of Color continues with this report in hopes that one day the work will no longer be required."

Rate of Black Homeownership in America Remains Virtually Unchanged Since 2012

The National Association of Realtors has found that although homeownership rates in America are steadily increasing, the rate of Black homeownership has experienced significantly less growth than White, Asian, and Hispanic homeownership since 2012.

Study Examines Relationship Between Racism and Gun Ownership in America

The results found White people with racist attitudes are no more likely to own guns than those without racist beliefs. However, the study did find a correlation between racism and opposition to gun control policies.

Pew Research Center Provides Insight into Share of Black-Owned Businesses in the United States

Through analyzing data from the United States Census Bureau and the National Science Foundation, the Pew Research Center found that Black-owned businesses make up 3 percent of companies and earn 1 percent of gross revenue in the United States.

Study Finds Elementary School Teachers More Likely to Discipline Black Boys than White Peers

“It is important to understand how race and racism shape children’s earliest school experiences,” wrote study author, Dr. Calvin Zimmerman. “Even for students as young as 6 years old, schools perpetuate existing social and educational inequalities.”

Remote Work Opportunities Lead to a More Diverse Applicant Pool

Between 2018 and 2022, there was a 15 percent increase in women and a 33 percent increase in underrepresented minority applicants for open STEM positions, suggesting remote work opportunities are more likely to attract diverse candidates than on-site positions.

Academic Fields Where Blacks Earned Few or No Doctoral Degrees in 2022

In 2022, African Americans earned 1.2 percent of all mathematics and statistics doctorates, 1.2 percent of all doctorates in computer science, 1.7 percent of all doctorates in chemistry, and only 1.7 percent of all doctorates awarded in engineering disciplines.

University of Alabama Creates Database Relating to History of Slavery on Campus

Scholars from the University of Alabama created an online database housing information on the history of slavery on the university's campus. The new website is the latest effort in a larger initiative from the Consortium of Universities Studying Slavery to uncover the history of enslaved individuals who labored for colleges and universities across the world.

United Negro College Fund Outlines Best Practices for Teacher Education at HBCUs

Four HBCUs, Huston-Tillotson University, Alabama A&M University, Albany State University, and Fayetteville State University, partnered with the United Negro College Fund to outline their best practices for educating Black teachers.

Study Finds Young Black Women Are Six Times More Likely to Be Murdered Than...

The research team, led by Columbia University postdoctoral research fellow Bernadine Waller, writes, "Our findings suggest that there is an urgent need to address homicide inequities among Black and White women in the USA. Enacting federal legislation that reduces gun access is a crucial step."

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