A Big Jump in the Black Student Acceptance Rate at Oxford

Yet only 1.3 percent of all students accepted for admission are Black.

Nineteen African Americans Admitted Early to Williams College

They make up 8 percent of all students accepted under the college's early decision plan.

Almost No Progress in Increasing Black Enrollments at Berkeley

The number of Black first-year students increased slightly, but the Black percentage of the entering class is smaller than in 2010.

Wayne State University Considering Tougher Admission Standards

Only 10 percent of the Black students who enrolled at Wayne State in 2004, earned a bachelor's degree at the university by 2010.

University of Delaware Mounts Effort to Increase Racial Diversity

Blacks are just 5 percent of the undergraduate student body and 4 percent of the faculty but 21 percent of the state's population.

New Center for Inclusive Excellence Established at Southern Illinois University Carbondale

African Americans make up 35 percent of the first-year class at the university.

Students From Black Africa at U.S. Colleges and Universities

In 2011 there were 36,690 Africans studying in the United States. They made up 5.1 percent of all foreign students in the U.S., down from 6.1 percent four years ago.

Graduate School of the University of Washington Seeking to Boost Minority Enrollments

Less than 10 percent of the graduate students are minorities while minorities make up 24 percent of the state's population.

Stanford Struggles to Increase the Number of African American Graduate Students

The percentage of Blacks in the Class of 2015 at Stanford is triple the percentage of African Americans in the university's graduate schools.

At West Virginia University, Black Enrollments Exceed Parity With the Black Percentage of the...

Black enrollments are up 7.7 percent this year compared to an overall increase of just over one percent.

A Surge in Black Applicants in New Non-Binding Early Action Admissions Programs

Both the University of Virginia and Harvard University report large increases in black early applicants from four years ago.

Blacks Make Up a Large Share of College Students With Military Service Credentials

Veterans and active duty or reserve military personnel make up 4 percent of all students in higher education.

University of Florida Seeks to Increase Racial Diversity in Its Doctoral Programs

The HBCU-UF Master's to Ph.D. Pathway Project targets high performing master's degree students at historically black colleges and universities.

University of Michigan Releases Black Enrollment Data

Official counts of black students have declined but the numbers may be a bit deceiving.

Penn State Showing Progress in Black Enrollments

Blacks make up 6 percent of all students at Penn State. A decade ago the figure was 4.4 percent.

A Check-Up of Black Progress in U.S. Medical Schools

Applications and first-year enrollments of blacks are both up from a year ago.

Three Flagship State Universities Report Black Enrollment Data

A healthy rise in black first-year students at the University of Illinois and the University of Arkansas, but a small drop in total black enrollments at Indiana University.

Black Enrollments in Higher Education Expected to Continue to Grow

By 2020, the official estimate is that there will be 3.6 million African Americans enrolled in higher education.

Sharp Increase in Graduate Students at HBCU in North Carolina

A $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education provides scholarships for up to 50 graduate students in biology and mathematics.

The Gender Gap in African-American Graduate School Enrollments

The Council of Graduate Schools has released new data on enrollments for the 2010-11 academic year. That year, there were 1,476,674 American citizens or...

University of Wisconsin Defends Its Admissions Program

In 2008, the University of Wisconsin at Madison admitted 71.8 percent of black applicants and 59.3 percent of white applicants.

Three African-American Siblings, All of Different Ages, Are Spending Their First Semester as Students...

They all are graduates of Ithaca High School and were raised by their maternal grandmother.

Texas A&M Reports Black Enrollment Data

This year, for the first time, there are more than 50,000 students on the campus of Texas A&M University in College Station. Among these students are 1,723 African Americans, an increase of nine black students from a year ago.

Black Enrollments Surge at the University of Missouri

Black students increased from 2,026 in 2010 to 2,231 this year, an increase of more than 10 percent.

The Racial Gender Gap in U.S. Dental Schools

In dental school enrollments, the large gender gap in favor of men exists only for whites.

Cornell University Reports Sharp Increase in Black Freshmen

Cornell University reports that there are 209 African-American freshmen on campus this fall, up from 172 last year.

Marshall University School of Medicine Seeks Minority Students

Project PRE MED will invite black and other minority college students to campus for a weekend this October.

Duke University School of Nursing Looks to Increase Diversity

This summer 10 undergraduate students participated in a six-week program at Duke University designed to increase the number of minorities in nursing.

Record Number of Black Freshmen at the University of Georgia

There are 5,500 freshman students this year, an increase of 10 percent from a year ago.

At the University of Michigan, Minority Applications Are Up, But the Number of Minority...

The University of Michigan has announced that it received a record number of applications for the 2011 entering class. However, the university announced that 1,576 minority students were accepted for admission, a 3.7 decrease from a year ago.

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