How Has the Black Population in Each U.S. State Changed Since 2010?
According to data from Pew Research Center, the Black population is growing the fastest in Utah, which experienced an 85 percent increase in Black residents between 2010 and 2023.
Childhood Exposure to Trauma Linked to Heart Disease in Black Women
While both Black men and women study participants reported similar experiences with childhood trauma, the association between past trauma and heart complications was only found among Black women.
Joint Center Report Examines Access to On-Campus Child Care Support for Black Student Parents
The share of colleges and universities in the United States that offer on-campus child care services has dropped significantly over the past two decades, limiting the educational opportunities for Black student parents, who represent a significant portion of all college student parents.
Does Transgenerational Slavery Trauma Cause Present-Day Health Disparities?
The study authors argue that "there is no justification needed [to explain present-day racial health disparities] beyond the key role of structural racism experienced directly by African Americans today."
Black NFT Avatars Are Valued Less Than White Avatars
Even though the NFT marketplace is predominately used by younger generations, historical racial biases have been found to negatively impact the price of NFTs featuring Black avatars.
Black Children Get Less Sleep Than Children of Other Racial Backgrounds
A new study has found Black children get less sleep and experience greater variability in their sleep routines compared to children from other racial groups. As sleep is an essential component of pediatric health, the authors believe their findings suggest pediatric clinicians should inquire about sleep habits when working with children from diverse racial backgrounds.
The Racial Makeup of Detroit Neighborhoods Impacts the Type of Their Financial Institutions
Following the Great Recession, Detroit neighborhoods that experienced an increase in their Black populations were more likely to experience an increase in high-cost alternative financial institutions.
Study Examines Factors Leading to Racial Disparities in Mammography Behavior
The study authors write, "Addressing the social determinants of health factors unique to Black women will not only increase mammography screening and improve breast cancer outcomes for this population but may lessen the economic burden that disparate health outcomes create."
Black Americans Represent Just 5 Percent of All Top Staff in the New U.S....
While Black Americans represent nearly 14 percent of the total U.S. population, they represent just 5.5 percent of all top staff positions in the personal offices of U.S. House members and senators.
Examining Racial Diversity Among Lead Actors in 2024’s Highest-Earning Films
Only 25 films out of the top 100 highest-earning movies in 2024 featured a nonwhite lead or co-lead actor. These 25 films feature a combined 26 protagonists, 10 of whom are Black.
Study Highlights the Importance of Hair Satisfaction for Black Girls
A study led by Adenique Lisse, a Ph.D. student at the University of Connecticut, has found a correlation between Black girls hair dissatisfaction and an increased likelihood of depression that was not found among White and Latina girls.
New Report Sets the Baseline for Future Studies on the Effect of Texas’ DEI...
"Ensuring all Texas students have the opportunity to succeed will directly strengthen our workforce and economy," write the report's authors. "While it’s too early to assess the impact of SB 17, continuous monitoring of student outcomes is critical to improving efficiency and maximizing the potential of our future workforce."
Study Uncovers More Evidence That Black Students Are Overrepresented in School Discipline
In an examination of six different kinds of school discipline and punishment, three comparison groups, and 16 subpopulations, a new study has found that "no matter how you slice it, Black students are overrepresented among those punished and excluded."
Report Identifies Racial Diversity Trends in California’s Higher Education Workforce
Since 2013, the share of Black faculty and staff at the University of California and California State University systems has slightly decreased, while their representation at California Community Colleges has experienced a small increase.
Pew Research Center Reports on the Growing Black Population in the United States
Over the course of the twenty-first century, the Black population in the United States has grown by 33 percent to a total of 48.3 million. In 2023, 27 percent of Black American adults have completed at least a bachelor's degree.
Study Highlights the Preferential Promotion of White Men in Academic Medicine
"To achieve a workforce that reflects the diversity of the U.S. population, academic medicine must transform its culture and the practices that surround faculty appointments and promotions," write the study authors, who found White male medical professors are more likely than their peers from nearly every other racial or gender group to receive a promotion.
Experiencing Racial Microaggressions During Pregnancy Linked to High Blood Pressure in Postpartum Women
Postpartum women from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups who report experiences with racial microaggressions during pregnancy or delivery and who live in communities with historically high levels of structural racism are significantly more likely to experience high blood pressure.
How Black Immigrants Transform the Urban Demographic Landscape
"Immigrant status appears to transform the racialized hierarchies in residential patterns, thus challenging sociological notions of a monolithic Blackness," writes study author Dr. Nima Dahir, assistant professor at Ohio State University.
The New Congress is the Most Racially and Ethnically Diverse in U.S. History
More than a quarter of the 119th U.S. Congress is non-White. There are currently 66 Black voting members across the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, an increase from the 60 Black Americans who served in the 118th Congress.
Black Americans Own Three Percent of Employer Business in the United States
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2022 less than 195,000 of the 5.9 million employer firms in the United States in 2022 were owned by Black Americans.
Black Matriculants Are Down at U.S. Medical Schools
In 2024, the share of Black applicants to U.S. medical schools increased by 2.8 percent from 2023. However, the share of Black medical school matriculants decreased by 11.6 percent. Notably, there has been year-over-year progress in overall Black medical school representation, which has risen to from 7.9 percent in 2017 to 10.3 percent in 2024.
Working With Black Principals and Peers Reduces Turnover for Black NYC Public School Teachers
Black and White teachers in New York City are less likely to quit or transfer to another school if their school has a principal and a higher proportion of teachers of their same race.
Black Athletes Are Significantly More Likely Than White Peers to Experience Cardiac Arrest
A team of scholars led by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta has found Black athletes are five times as likely as White athletes to experience a heart attack or die from sudden cardiac complications.
The Huge Racial Gap in College Completion Rates
According to a new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, the percentage of students who began college in the fall of 2018 and earned a credential within six years rose to 61.1 percent. For Black students who enrolled in 2018, 43.8 percent had earned a degree or other credential within six years. This is more than 17 percentage points below the overall rate. And the racial gap has increased in recent years.
Black Medical School Students Continue to Have to Cope With Racial Discrimination
A new study by scholars at the medical schools of New York University and Yale University finds that African American or Black students were less likely than their White counterparts to feel that medical school training contributed to their development as a person and physician.
The Racial Differences in Employment Offers for Doctoral Recipients
Of African Americas who had firm employment commitments by the time they received their doctorate in 2023, 25.3 had jobs in the corporate world compared to 36.1 percent of Whites who had job commitments by the time they were awarded their doctorate. For both Blacks and Whites, doctoral graduates are becoming increasingly more likely to take high-paying jobs in the private sector rather that staying in the academic world.
School Segregation is Widening Racial Achievement Gaps in U.S. Public Schools
A new study from scholars at Stanford University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Alabama, has found racial achievement gaps grow more quickly in districts where Black and Hispanic students attend higher-poverty schools than their White peers.
Report Examines Long-Term Outcomes of State-Level Affirmative Action Bans
The National Bureau of Economic Research has examined the long-term effects on educational attainment and economic outcomes for Black and Hispanic students in Texas, California, Washington, and Florida - the first four states to ban affirmative action in higher education admissions decisions.
The Racial Gap in the Homeless Population in the United States
A new report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that in January 2024, nearly 228,000 of the 771,000 homeless population was African American. Thus, Black Americans made up 29.5 percent of all those classified as homeless.
The Universities That Awarded the Most Doctorates to African Americans From 2019 to 2023
Walden University, headquartered in Minneapolis but conducts most of its business online, awarded 1,536 doctorates to African Americans during the five-year period. This was 12 percent of all doctorates awarded to Black Americans during the five-year period. The only other universities awarding more than 200 doctorates to African Americans were two historically Black educational institutions, Howard University and Jackson State University.
Study Finds Racial Disparities in Student Loan Defaults and Repayment Patterns
Over the past two decades, 50 percent of Black and 40 percent of Hispanic student loan borrowers have experienced a loan default, compared to 29 percent of their White counterparts.
First-Year Law School Enrollments: Black Women Up, Black Men Down
In the fall of 2024, Black students made up 7.7 percent of all first-year students at law schools in the United States. Among the 2024 cohort of 3,060 entering Black students, 2,099 were women. Thus, women made up nearly 69 percent of all Black first-year law students.
While Diversity Among College-Educated Adults Increases, Diversity in the Teacher Workforce Lags Behind
A new study has found that while diversity has grown among America's college-educated adults , diversity in the country's teacher workforce is lagging behind.
African American Fatalities at Work Declined in 2023
The number of Black Americans killed at work in 2022 was the highest number recorded since statistics on workplace fatalities have been collected. But in 2023, Black fatalities at work declined by more than 10 percent.
Specific Fields Where No African Americans Earned Doctorates in 2023
In 2023, 890 doctoral degrees were awarded in fields where none of the recipients were African Americans.
Ending Affirmative Action May Not Produce a More Academically Gifted Student Body
Scholars from Cornell University have found removing race data from AI applicant-ranking algorithms results in a less diverse applicant pool without meaningfully increasing the group's academic merit.