Do Pay-for-Grades Programs Work for African American High School Students?
Research by C. Kiradbo Jackson of Northwestern University shows that students in these programs are more likely to succeed in college and in the job market.
Racial Differences in School Safety Indicators
Schools where students feel safe, are not bullied, and are not subjected daily to intimidation, violence, and drugs are schools that will be more conducive to learning and preparing students for college.
Large Differences Among the States in the Racial Gap in Life Expectancy
An analysis of life expectancy data led by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles found the largest racial gap in Washington, D.C. The racial gap was the smallest in New Mexico.
Study Finds That Obama’s Election Changed Black College Students’ Perceptions of Racial Identity
The study examined the importance of race to a person's self-concept, whether or not they felt good about being part of their racial group, and on how they perceived their racial group is regarded by the society at large.
Racial Differences in Seeking Out Mental Health Services for Young College Graduates
Young adult Blacks are significantly less likely than their White peers to utilize mental health services. The racial disparity is especially pronounced for young Blacks with a college education.
University Study Finds That Black Children Are Diagnosed With Autism Later Than White Children
The authors state that the discrepancy is probably due to unequal access to quality healthcare and a possible reluctance of Black parents to accept a diagnosis of autism.
Michigan State Professor Finds Racial Disparity in Military Death Sentences
The study, which included research on murders of military personnel from 1984 to 2005, showed that of the 16 men who have been sentenced to death, 10 are minorities.
Highly Educated People No More Likely to Support Affirmative Action Than Their Less-Educated Peers
A study by Geoffrey T. Wodtke of the University of Michigan finds that well-educated Whites and Blacks support affirmative action in the labor market at the same level as Whites and Blacks with lower levels of education.
Vanderbilt Establishes Digital Archive of Slave Records From Spanish Societies in the New World
Researchers captured more than 150,000 images, comprising more than 750,000 ecclesiastical records of African and African descended individuals from Brazil, Cuba, and Spanish Florida.
Study Finds That Small Class Sizes in Early Years Impact College Enrollment Rates
The effect is particularly pronounced for Black children.
How Do Black Men Succeed in College?
Black men who were successful in college tended to have families who were committed to higher education and had a mentor during their K-12 years.
Study Examines the Mental Health of Black Women Community College Students Who Lived Through...
Nearly five years after the hurricane, a third of the women still showed signs of post-traumatic stress.
Research Measures Racial Differences in Nonverbal Communication Between Doctors and Patients
The University of South Carolina study found Black physicians outperformed their White colleagues. But Black doctors were less at ease when they had White patients.
Study Finds That Black Women Leaders Are Not Viewed Negatively When They Act Assertively
Researchers at Duke University and Northwestern University show that executives are perceived differently depending on their race and gender.
Rice University Study Finds That Racial Discrimination Can Be Harmful to Your Health
Sociologists at Rice University in Houston found that 18 percent of African Americans reported emotional or health problems resulting from perceived racial discrimination.
University Study Finds Link Between Smog and Diabetes and Hypertension Among Black Women
Women who had the highest exposure to nitrogen oxides, as a result of traffic-related air pollution, had a 24 percent higher risk of diabetes.
High School Dropouts: Black Rate Double That of Whites
More than 9 percent of all African Americans ages 16 to 24 in October 2009 did not have a high school diploma or the equivalent and were no longer enrolled in school.
Rutgers University Study Finds Racial Differences in the Treatment of Depression
Economics and cultural stigma may be contributing factors.
Examining the Residential Segregation of Multiracial Americans
Sociologist Pamela Bennett of Johns Hopkins University has examined the residential patterns of people who marked off two racial categories on their census form.
Racial Differences in Decline of Physical Activity Among Young Girls
University of Pittsburgh study finds that a decline in physical activity is more pronounced for African American adolescent girls.
Study Finds Mentoring Not as Beneficial to Black Men as It Is for Whites
Education and training are better predictors of career success.
Racial Differences in Criminal Victimization in Schools
African-American students were nearly twice as likely as white students to be victims of violent crime in school.
The Persisting Racial Digital Divide
Whites are more likely than Blacks to have wired broadband services in the home.
For Young White Children, Language Trumps Race in Defining an Adult’s Identity
A unique experiment found that White and Black children placed difference emphasis on racial appearance and language.
American College Students Studying Abroad in Africa
Of all U.S. students studying abroad, 14,769, or 5.5 percent, attended universities in Africa.
Emory University Research Finds Racial Disparity in Kidney Transplants for Youth
Black youth without health insurance were 59 percent more likely to die than young White patients.
Michigan State Study Finds Blacks Pay More Than Whites For Basic Services
Racial minorities pay more than Whites for water and sewage services.
Black Progress in Graduation Rates at Flagship State Universities
Great progress is being made, but at 38 flagship state universities the racial gap in graduation rates is more than 10 percentage points.
Study Finds That Perceived Racism May Produce Trauma-Like Symptoms That Impact Racial Health Disparities
The study finds that the relationship between perceived racism and self-reported depression and anxiety is quite robust.
Study Finds That Income Trumps Race in Explaining Academic Achievement Gap
According to the Stanford University research, 50 years ago, just the opposite was true.
Blacks Make Up a Large Share of College Students With Military Service Credentials
Veterans and active duty or reserve military personnel make up 4 percent of all students in higher education.
Harvard Has the Highest Black Student Graduation Rate in the Ivy League
All eight Ivy League colleges have an African-American student graduation rate of 85 percent or better.
Assessing Black Progress in Leadership Positions at the Universities With Major College Football Programs
In 2009 there were seven black head football coaches at the 120 FBS schools. In 2011 this number increased to 17.
University Research Finds Black Teens Are Less Likely Than Their White Peers to Use...
The study examined data from more than 72,000 youth, ages 12 to 17.
Scholar Examines Attitudes of African Immigrants on Sex and HIV/AIDS
Matthew Asare recently competed his doctorate at the University of Cincinnati and is a visiting professor at Northern Kentucky University.
Dispelling the Myth of the “Dumb Black Jock” in College Athletics
It is likely that the financial aid provided by an athletic scholarship is a critical factor in enabling many black student athletes to stay in school.